
Sanders Says He Would Beat Trump By ’15 or 20 Points’

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who has made reining in Wall Street a top campaign theme, will warn on Tuesday that financial-sector greed is “destroying the fabric of our nation” and detail his plan to break up big banks, his campaign said. Sanders continued, “While Wall Street received the largest taxpayer bailout in the history of the world with no strings attached, the American middle class continues to disappear, poverty is increasing and the gap between the very rich and everyone else is growing wider and wider”. The Quinnipiac poll, released in December, showed Sanders beating Republican candidate Donald Trump in a hypothetical general election 51 to 38 percent, compared to Clinton, who would win by a smaller margin of 47 to 40 percent.


Sanders will deliver what his campaign is calling a “major policy address” on Wall Street reform in NY. The Vermont Senator argues that if he pulls off victories in both of these two early voting states – the first to cast primary votes – he will be able to swing in his favor.

Shadow banks did gamble recklessly, but where did that money come from?

“If I thought that alone would prevent the potential next crisis, I would raise my hand and join”, Clinton said at a town hall in New Hampshire. “We continue to believe Clinton would be one of the better candidates for financial firms, as she is pushing concrete reforms where one can understand the downside risk rather than more radical overhauls”, the firm wrote, in a statement that undoubtedly warmed the heart of the Sanders high command. But while she has tagged Sanders’s ideas as simply too costly or unrealistic in other areas (like health care, college financing, and infrastructure), she is making a more assertive case on financial reform. He was there last weekend and is back on Friday. But the attacks on Clinton marked an escalation in his offensive against the Democratic front-runner. “But by energizing and engaging young people, which I think everyone has seen [Sanders do] across the country, and voters that do not often participate in elections, we can create the type of wave that will create big gains for Democrats in the Congress and at the state level while continuing us having a Democrat in the White House”, Weaver said on the call. “Think hard about the people who are presenting themselves to you, their experience, their qualifications, their positions”.

And when asked by CNN on Wednesday – before his dinner speech – whether he is more electable than Clinton, the senator bluntly said, “Yes”, before explaining how he polls better than Clinton in certain head to head polls.

Sanders also picked on Clinton’s husband and “secret weapon”, Bill Clinton, during whose administration the Glass-Steagall legislation was repealed, suggesting the former president was part of an “establishment” culture. While Clinton and Sanders supporters sat on opposing sides of the room, challenging each other to who could chant louder, O’Malley didn’t have a noticeable cheering section. “We have to break them up”, he said.

“It’s just not time for me to do that yet”, she said.

So far, Sanders is trailing nationally against Clinton.

In her speech Wednesday evening, Clinton reminded voters she was raising millions of dollars for state parties in an attempt to strengthen Democrats up-and-down the ballot.

And the candidate’s supporters have taken note, too.

In a Sanders administration, “the foxes will no longer be guarding the henhouse at the Fed”, the candidate said.


Individual companies were also name checked by Mr Sanders.

Sanders Slams Wall Street Clintons at NYC Event