
Sanders scores platform victory, calls for $15 minimum wage

Sanders has been negotiating with the Clinton campaign to ensure that his ideas are part of the party platform presented at the Democratic convention later this month, when Clinton is formally nominated.


She said many of Sanders’ young supporters are now backing the Green Party rather than turn to Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Over two days, the Platform Committee’s 187 members will consider new amendments and changes to the platform, which will then be sent for ratification to the floor of the Democratic National Convention later this month.

Sanders has said he will vote for Clinton but has not yet offered a full-throated endorsement, even as Democratic leaders like President Barack Obama and Massachusetts Sen.

Bernie Sanders faced intense pressure from House Democrats on Wednesday to endorse Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, as rank-and-file lawmakers confronted him behind closed doors with shouts of “Timeline!” Without their support, Clinton is missing a significant percentage of Democratic voters who could help her “defeat Trump badly”, as Sanders would say.

Stein has in the past made overtures to Sanders suggesting a “collaboration”, but she appears to have gone further in an interview today with the Guardian newspaper by offering to let Sanders take over the party entirely.

But Mrs Clinton still has another headache as the State Department said on Thursday that it will reopen its internal investigation into whether her use of a private e-mail account and server compromised her handling of classified material.

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — For Bernie Sanders, a campaign that began as a liberal crusade will probably end that way, with the Vermont senator still fighting for the issues that made up his “political revolution” even as his clout fades. In the weeks since Hillary Clinton clinched the Democratic nomination, her irascible primary rival won a few policy concessions from her campaign and influenced the shape of the partys platform.

Clinton campaigned with President Barack Obama earlier this week and her event with Biden in Pennsylvania aims to build unity ahead of the party’s convention in Philadelphia.

43% of Democrats and 40% of Republicans – say they are satisfied with their choices for president. They also want a carbon tax to address climate change and seek a freeze on hydraulic fracking. And he wants the platform to call explicitly for a $15-per-hour federal minimum wage, indexed for inflation, instead of the more general words now in place. The Democrats spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations they were not authorized to disclose.


By contrast, 64 percent of Republicans who voted for someone not named Trump in the GOP primaries still say he’s more honest and truthful than Clinton.

Clinton asks crowd