
Sanders Scowls As Clinton Gives Him A Shout Out

But whilst Hillary isn’t going to fire a crowd up in the same way as Obama, that will matter little if her speech works in the way she wanted it to.


Clinton thanked her daughter and everyone in attendance for the convention. Chants of “Hillary!, Hillary!”, rang out throughout the arena.

Clinton began her speech thanking her opponent, Bernie Sanders, which led to chants of “Bernie, Bernie, Bernie”. That key word “together” popped up twenty times during her speech. “Your cause is our cause”.

True, the party’s most familiar leaders didn’t send regrets, and there weren’t any Ted Cruz moments on the podium in Philadelphia. “We wrote it together”.

She previewed her foreign policy philosophy of diplomacy over aggression, saying America’s strength “doesn’t come from lashing out”.

Chelsea Clinton, a 36-year-old mother of two, was the last in a series of speakers at the four-day gathering who sought to cast Hillary Clinton in a familial light ahead of the November 8 election against Republican Donald Trump.

From there it was on to the Constitutional Convention and the Founders, about whom Mrs. Clinton had nothing interesting to say. “And I couldn’t stop thinking of my mother and what she went through as a child”, Clinton said. “How does she keep going?”, Chelsea said.

“It’s not about Bernie, it’s about the movement”, said California delegate Nancy Kim, who does not plan to vote for Clinton even after Sanders’ enthusiastic endorsement. She explained that the service part of public service came easier to her than the public part. “Here’s how: It’s because she never ever forgets who she’s fighting for”. She spent the evening talking down to the American people she’s looked down on her whole life.

In a detailed acceptance speech during Thursday’s closing session, Clinton countered Trump’s portrayal of a dystopian America, describing instead a nation with “the most powerful military, the most innovative entrepreneurs, the most enduring values”. You’re stuck up there, people walking by. Some of his most fervent supporters walked off the floor in protest as delegates made Clinton the first female standard-bearer of a major political party. She told NBC: “I think it was clear last week, when Ivanka introduced her dad, that she’s so proud of him”. The former secretary of state, 68, will discuss the country’s state of affairs as well as deliver her primary mission as president.


Trump eventually concluded with “no one has worse judgement than Hillary Clinton – corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes”. “I wanted to hit a couple of those speakers so hard”, Trump said at a campaign rally in Davenport, Iowa late Thursday. Chelsea said she would ask Ivanka, a longtime friend. She has also taken on a more significant leadership role at the family’s Clinton Foundation. She also addressed how supportive her parents have been through the years. The use of the “America I know” refrain was also a common phrase for former president George W Bush. “Americans don’t say: “I alone can fix it”. “Let’s build a better tomorrow for our beloved children and our beloved country”.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is greeted by daughter Chelsea Clinton as she arrives to accept the nomination on the fourth and final night at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Pennsylvania