
Sanders struggles to hand his ‘revolution’ to Clinton

Then, in the opening moments of the proceedings, loud cheers for Clinton were mixed with a smattering of boos from party delegates and chants of “Bernie!” Many of Sanders’ supporters, however, would not say the same. Even President Obama is reported to have been avoiding her whenever possible.


At-large delegate Darrell Cox, of Bowie, was interrupted during his speech when he declared Hillary Clinton the next president, and Sanders supporters shouted “Bernie!” Elizabeth Warren, who was expected to give a fervent address in favor of Clinton as well as denouncing Trump.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 House Democrat and the convention’s parliamentarian, took the stage shortly after the convention opened in Philadelphia. She did not appear at the convention podium and later watched the proceedings from a private suite. Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned Sunday as Democratic Party chairwoman over leaked emails suggesting the supposedly neutral Democratic National Committee had played favorites for Hillary Clinton during the primaries.

“We have got to elect Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine”, urged Senator Bernie Sanders at an event on Monday.

“The exact configuration of the protests are unclear but it is evident that a substantial majority of the polled survey delegates support participating”, Norman Solomon from the Bernie Delegates Network, a group representing two-thirds of Bernie Sanders’ nearly 2000 delegates, said.

“Our credibility as a movement will be damaged by booing, turning of backs, walking out or other similar displays”, he wrote. The hacked internal communications were mostly boring stuff, but key messages confirmed a bias toward the Hillary Clinton campaign among Schultz and her DNC staff. The Florida congresswoman heeded Sanders’ longstanding call to leave as party chief.

The Democrats know this convention is important. It’s a spot he earned on campaign trail against Hillary Clinton.

The revelation has angered Mr Sanders’ supporters, who had long claimed that the party’s governing body, which was meant to remain neutral, had favoured the former secretary of state. We’ve made concessions in the platform and things for the Sanders people about super delegates.

The elder Sanders, who lives in Oxford, England, and has served on his county council, said leaked emails that reveal efforts by the Democratic National Committee to undermine his brother’s presidential campaign are a “disgrace”.

But the best defense against Donald Trump, Sanders told the crowd, is to vote for Clinton.

Clinton is promising a stark contrast to last week’s Republican gathering, an often chaotic affair that featured a heavy dose of pessimism about the economy and national security.

“No, never, not in a million years, no. I wouldn’t vote for her for dog catcher”, said Melissa Arab, of Shelby Township, Michigan.


Q: What are you going to do after the convention to help your ticket win?

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz