
Sanders supporters: Unmoved by plea to support Clinton

After she crossed the threshold to clinch her party’s nomination in June, Clinton’s victory speech drew inspiration from her late mother.


Democratic Senate campaign officials say they’re talking with Bernie Sanders about how he can help their efforts to retake the Senate majority this fall.

States will also sound off in a roll call vote that will include many votes in favor of Sanders, but end in Clinton officially being named the nominee. It’s the first time a major party will nominate a female presidential candidate. Even when Sanders spoke, he received boos when he pledged his support for Hillary Clinton.

And while Sanders supporters are glad that DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced to resign over the scandal, Clinton’s decision to immediately gave her a position as an “honorary chair” of her campaign was seen as yet another sign of a “rigged system”.

Glover and actresses Shailene Woodley and Susan Sarandon joined more than 1,000 people for a climate rally, vowing to keep up the fight on environmental issues even though Sanders, their preferred presidential candidate, would not be in charge. “Civil disobedience is the cornerstone of Democratic values”, said Gabriel McArthur, a Sanders delegate from suburban Denver. And he says that could make the Green Party a solid alternative in some one-sided congressional districts.

As Sanders’ supporters marched 4 miles from City Hall to the convention site Monday afternoon, they chanted “Hey, hey, ho, ho, the DNC has got to go!” and carried signs reading, “Never Hillary”, “Just Go to Jail Hillary” and “You Lost Me at Hillary”. Sanders has implored his supporters to not protest during the convention, but he’s struggled to control his energized backers. I hope other Bernie people get there.

“‘That foreign actors may be trying to influence our election – let alone a powerful adversary like Russian Federation – should concern all Americans of any party, ‘ said ranking House Intelligence Committee Democrat Adam Schiff on Monday”.

“I said, ‘Are you sure?”

Sanders acknowledged that frustration in his speech, saying he shared it but was more focused on ensuring Donald Trump is defeated in the general election. I do know, I did have a small umbrella, and one was taken from one of the Sanders people, but mine wasn’t, so I don’t know. “Our credibility as a movement will be damaged”, he cautioned, and, “I ask you as a personal courtesy to me to not engage in any kind of protest on the floor”.

The roll call this year, when each state announced its delegate totals from the primary season, affirmed a nomination Clinton locked up weeks ago.

“I’m Bernie or bust”, she said.

“He’s like a Moses”, she said.

“We’ve built up a lifetime of memories”, he said.

Last but not least, Clinton’s husband Bill will headline the night, likely delivering a speech appealing to his ethos as former president to voice his enthusiastic support for his wife. They booed Rep. Marcia Fudge of OH when she reminded them that “we are all Democrats”, just as they had booed House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi earlier in the day.

Clinton’s nomination came on the second day of the Democratic National Convention, where leaders sought to move past the drama of divisions between Clinton and Sanders supporters.

Carolyn, considering what we’ve seen in the news about all the emails, can you understand why a Sanders supporter would feel a little bit more on edge?

Republican Donald Trump is receiving an enthusiastic response from veterans as he criticizes Democrats and vows to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Us Weekly will be following the political event all week.


While it was a moment of triumph for Clinton, it was also a time for pride in defeat for Sanders.

Takeaways Sanders Michelle Obama dominate convention