
Sanders thanks Bill Clinton for ‘being my psychoanalyst’

Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs said Sanders was responding to a Washington Post article headlined “Clinton questions whether Sanders is qualified to be president”.


Sanders has gained ground on Clinton, the former secretary of state, with a winning streak.

On the subject of calling Clinton “unqualified”, Sanders said that “yes” she does have the experience for the job, but he also pointed out that he wasn’t afraid of making tough decisions, while she went with the political flow.

Still, Sanders seized on the remarks at a rally that night, telling a crowd of thousands that Clinton has been saying that he’s “not qualified to be president”. Clinton and Sanders will duke it out at a debate in Brooklyn on April 14; New York’s primary is on April 19. Sanders’ backers say that Clinton’s massive superdelegate lead – 469 to 31 – does not reflect the will of the voters.

“Now the other day, I think, Secretary Clinton appeared to be getting a little bit nervous”.

Expecting attendance to at least equal what was seen in 2008 when a record number of Democrats showed up, several counties have changed their planned locations for the event to accommodate more people, she said.

Christine Bremer Muggli, a prominent Democrat from Wausau, is one of six superdelegates from Wisconsin now backing Clinton.

Bernie Sanders came home today-literally.

Sanders needs to win an estimated 56 percent of the remaining delegates nationwide to overtake Clinton. They say he has focused his fire on policy and is simply fighting back against Clintons own attacks.

I just heard a news story about independent voters in NY contacting voter registrars when they realize that they can’t participate in that state’s closed primary unless they are registered Democrats.

Clinton has a little more negative baggage, with a 26 percent unfavourable rating compared with Sanders’ 13 percent.

The bickering between Republican presidential rivals Donald Trump and Texas Senator Ted Cruz last month even hit a new level of nastiness, with Trump threatening to “spill the beans” on Cruz’s wife.

Tell us more: Bernie Sanders still has steam and the enthusiasm of his young supporters but that won’t be enough.


Sanders took a position more critical of Israel, saying that though “Israel has a right to protect itself from terrorism”, they have taken it too far.

Just 14 Democratic delegates are up for grabs in Wyoming for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders