
Sanders to meet with delegates before start of convention

But if you don’t get behind Hillary you increase the odds that Donald Trump will be president.


Morris is author of the new book “Armageddon: How Trump Can Beat Hillary” with Eileen McGann, and told Fox’s Maria Bartiromo that the presumptive GOP nominee’s “left hook” is to woo fans of Clinton’s Democratic rival, Sen.

It was also on June 28 that the campaign changed its tune, broadly emailing an appeal in Bernie’s name, warning that “We’d hate to fall short on [platform] votes because some of our delegates couldn’t afford to go to the convention”. After a slow vote count of absentee and provisional ballots, in which Sanders broke even or better, new Bernie delegates were awarded to reflect the revised outcome, where Sanders was behind by only 7 percent.

To my friends who are Clinton supporters: Do not be smug in this victory.

Trump has been making such comments for months, an appeal to the many people who think that Clinton and her allies unfairly steamrolled Sanders’ campaign. First, consider the unprecedented strength of Sanders’ election results. The passion of his supporters is demonstrated by the millions of small contributions. But the cost of feeling vindicated as a Sanders supporter is nothing less than the total sacrifice of everything he worked so hard for.

I asked if he was disillusioned by his candidate’s endorsement of Clinton.

The group states: “The first major survey of Bernie Sanders delegates reveals big concerns about Hillary Clinton’s pending choice of a vice presidential candidate, with many delegates expressing their willingness to publicly denounce prospective running-mates and even protest on the convention floor”.

“As opposed to having Hillary Clinton in power starting an air war with Russian Federation over Syria because she wants a no-fly zone”, Stein responded. That’s almost 60 percent of voters who have said, “No, thanks”, to Clinton, and putting Warren on the ticket might not help at all. Blamed are the past 40 years of neoliberal policies that favored corporations over the interests of the people. That may be true, but a vast number of Sanders supporters are not Democrats: they’re independents, and they are Republicans repulsed by Trump and the current GOP in general.

The Democratic Party is headed for a steep cliff at full speed, in the dark, without headlights and no brakes. Some of them are about trying to do what Bernie’s campaign wants. These voters represent the future of the political system.

The current anti-Trump fervour within the Republican Party, along with the majority of women voters in complete abhorrence of Trump, can have severe consequences on the psyche of the conservative voter, who may decide not to vote at all. That’s why the Sanders movement was great to cover. I’m speaking, of course, about millennials. Inside a Clinton administration, his voice would be confined by the need to remain outwardly loyal to administration policies. “We are either going to build third party movements or an American Spring”.


Many Sanders delegates are expressing disappointment and some uncertainty as they prepare to descend on Philadelphia for a convention that will nominate Clinton.

From unity pushes to VP picks: Everything you need to know about the past week in the 2016 presidential race