
Sanders told Obama progress so far ‘not good enough’

Unlike an at-times raucous crowd on the party’s convention floor this week, delegates didn’t boo when Sanders urged them to back Clinton in November.


“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”, Trump said on Wednesday. More work to do for every American still in need of a good job or a raise, paid leave or a decent retirement; for every child who needs a sturdier ladder out of poverty or a world-class education; for everyone who hasn’t yet felt the progress of these past seven and a half years.

I don’t get a sense she’s offering a vision. “That’s what is so awesome and how lucky I feel to have witnessed that history tonight and over the last eight years”.

“America is already great”.

And the president said he’s now “ready to pass the baton and do my part as a private citizen”. Poll after poll shows that the American people do not see Hillary Clinton as trustworthy.

For me, this unacknowledged piece of the back story seriously undermined the effectiveness of Bill Clinton’s otherwise touching performance.

His appearance at the Democratic National Convention marked Obama’s most significant effort to stump for the former secretary of state, who he defeated during a contentious primary race in 2008. He warned repeatedly Wednesday that the billionaire businessman is unprepared for the challenges that would await him in the Oval Office. No, not Bill Clinton, but Jimmy Carter.

Kunin, Vermonts first and only female governor, said Clinton, who may become the nations first female president, will follow through on the progressive ideas she has embraced.

Free trade, an area where Clinton and Obama disagree, will not come up. Former presidents often vouch for their potential successors, but never before has that candidate also been a spouse.

“America’s promises do not come with a price tag”.

“This guy doesn’t have a clue about the middle class”, he declared.

On a day when Democrats meeting at their convention in Philadelphia planned to tout their candidate as far better suited than Trump to keep the country safe, the Republican gave his critics fresh fodder for attack with remarks that the Clinton campaign said posed a possible national security threat.

Carter believes that due to Donald Trump’s nomination, these are “perilous times”.

Kaine blasted Trump as “a slick-talking, empty-promising, self-promoting, one-man wrecking crew”.

And he offered a nod to the supporters of Sen.

Sanders added that there were a number of issues he would be focused on, including advancing including a single-payer healthcare system and blocking Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Several delegates held up anti-TPP signs as he spoke.

Bloomberg, who mused about an independent run for president himself, endorsed Clinton – but, as one of the few political figures with the business experience to match Trump’s, he was most effective undermining the core selling point of Trump’s candidacy: His competency, compared to the political establishment’s ineptitude.

“In a press conference today, Donald Trump actually called on Russian Federation to hack and release more of Hillary’s emails”. The vice-president thought long and hard about running for president himself before opting out.

In the end, Sanders is a socialist and he makes no bones about it. Sure, he was careful to put the word “democratic” in front of it in later years as he prepared to run for the White House, but he’s a pure socialist at heart. “This is a more fundamental choice – about who we are as a people, and whether we stay true to this great American experiment in self-government”.

That coalition was vividly on display in the first two nights of the convention in Philadelphia. Delegates rose in an emotional standing ovation for the mother of one of the victims in last month’s Orlando nightclub shooting, who asked why “commonsense” gun policies weren’t in place when her son died. “She was doing everything I was doing but just like Ginger Rodgers, it was backwards in heels”, Obama said.


“If any of you are looking for that party of Lincoln, we’ve got a home for you right here in the Democratic Party”, the Virginia senator said. It may have therefore also helped counter the “untrustworthy” narrative that he didn’t describe her as wanting to join an institution that most voters don’t trust.

Obama boosts Clinton; Kaine mocks Trump