
Sanders wants David to keep his job on ‘Saturday Night Live’

The party’s chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, will name the committee’s final four members, who will draft the language of the platform before it is voted up or down by delegates at the convention.


Wasserman Schultz has said she remains neutral in the Democratic primary, even though Sanders has made it clear how much he dislikes her.

Canova, who teaches at Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law in Fort Lauderdale, was asked in 2011 to serve on Sanders’ Wall Street reform advisory panel. Weaver noted how Wasserman Schultz supports the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

That issue propelled him to run against the lawmaker he voted for two years ago. The average contribution: $17.63, according to the Canova campaign.

For those who know him best, Canovas plunge into electoral politics was not completely unexpected.

The news was first reported by the Washington Post.

Sanders said if he is elected president, he would terminate her chairmanship of the DNC.

Despite his ongoing tensions with Wasserman Schultz, Sanders quickly praised the decision and promised that his committee members would help push a progressive agenda. “Stick in there, ‘” she said.

The Democratic hopefuls campaigned in California, where Clinton hopes to make a statement in the June 7 contest that will effectively end the primaries and encourage the party to coalesce around her candidacy. Despite the dollars flowing into his campaign coffers, Canova faces a tough fight to defeat Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Wasserman Schultz choices include former California Rep. Howard Berman; California Rep. Barbara Lee and author and executive Bonnie Schaefer. We need U.S. Senators, members of Congress and state legislators who have the guts to take on the big money interests whose greed is destroying the American middle class. Mr. Zogby now co-chairs the party’s resolutions committee, and his inclusion on the platform committee indicates Mr. Sanders’s push for a more balanced approach towards the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Some Democrats have grown tired about the length of the primaries, anxious that it could give Republican businessman Donald Trump a head start on the general election and make it more hard for Democrats to unite behind a nominee.

“Well, clearly, I favor her opponent”. “I’m probably the only politician to come to Anaheim and say this”.


“Our vision of social justice, of economic justice, of racial justice and of environmental justice, our vision is the future of this country and I hope that the leadership of the Democratic Party understands it must be the vision of the Democratic Party”.

Clinton, Sanders duel over Latino vote in California