
Sanders: We must do everything we can to elect Clinton

Increasingly, Democrats are feeling Berned out.


His strategy has instead been to use his remaining leverage to push policy, both on the Clinton campaign and in the drafting process of the party’s platform. “I don’t honestly know how we would survive four years of a Donald Trump” administration, he added.

By contrast, he recalled 1980, when Ted Kennedy sulked over his primary season loss to President Carter and did little to hide his abiding contempt.

An endorsement seems imminent now that Clinton has proposed a college tuition plan that aligns closely with policies introduced earlier by Sanders.

“What I’m trying to do and the reason I ran for president is to help transform this country, to deal with income and wealth, inequality, a declining middle class, the fact that so numerous young people leaving school deeply in debt”. “You bet your bottom dollar”, he said Wednesday on CNN.

Bernie Sanders, nearing an expected endorsement of Hillary Clinton, lightly weighed in on the presumptive Democratic nominee’s search for a running mate. He was essentially threatening at least three more weeks of intra-party squabbling, while the Clinton campaign and the Democratic establishment want to devote their attention and resources to the existential battle against Trump.

The two camps have been in ongoing discussions about the role Sanders will play and about the party platform ahead of the Democratic National Convention later this month.

“Bernie Sanders is calling out Hillary Clinton delegates on the Democratic Party’s platform-drafting committee for failing to support certain amendments regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal”, ABC News reports. Elizabeth Warren and other prominent Democratic leaders in officially supporting Clinton’s campaign.

Sanders supporters who gathered on the night of California’s June 7 primary election were enthusiastic for their candidate, with one telling Breitbart News that she hopes to see her pick push through for a contested convention.

However, Clinton has been moving left to try and minimize some of the possible damage and capture some of those young Sanders supporters.

Obama endorsed Clinton during a joint event in North Carolina on Tuesday, and she is set to campaign with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Pennsylvania on Friday.

Sanders then made the most significant statement of the day.

Even without his prompting, Sanders backers appear to be rallying behind the Democrats’ presumed nominee. Sanders has always been an independent member of the Senate, officially unaffiliated with the Democratic party, though he caucuses with Dem lawmakers in the chamber.

The survey found 56 percent of registered voters believe Clinton is “personally qualified to be president” and 30 percent said the same about Trump.


“No, I do not hate Secretary Clinton”, he said recently on MSNBC, responding after Trump made assertions to the contrary.

Hillary Has a New Plan to Make College Tuition Free. Thanks, Bernie.