
Sanders wins Democratic caucuses in Maine

Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met Sunday in Flint, Mich., in the eighth Democratic debate.


Would the scandal surrounding the lead-contaminated water in Flint, Michigan happen if the residents were rich white people?

Snyder quickly tweeted that “political candidates” will be leaving Flint and MI in a few days after the state’s primary but he is “committed to the people of Flint”. “He should resign”, he said. Clinton offered nuanced explanations, while Sanders offered declarative statements.

Clinton also said that MI should immediately tap its rainy day fund to help the city recover.

Sonia Cook Broen, 34, said she was thinking of the future for her two children, ages 10 and 7, when she cast her vote for Sanders. “The pundits might not like it but the people are making history”. Leaders in Washington who assumed hard-liners such as Cruz represented a minority view have been left wondering if they’re the ones out of step with their party’s base.

There was no serious erosion in the delegate lead for either Trump or Clinton.

SANDERS: Excuse me, I’m talking.

CLINTON on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement: “I thought it was reasonable to know what was in it before I opposed it”.

“Take his overall general theme and try to apply it to as many specific issues and concerns to a group he really needs support from”, he said, adding that Sanders has done a lot of person-to-person outreach campaigning in the state. “We all know the stakes keep getting higher, and the rhetoric we’re hearing from the other side just keeps sinking lower”, she said at an election rally in Detroit.

Clinton laid into his opposition to the auto industry bailout.

Sanders agreed that he’s focused on one issue: rebuilding a disappearing middle-class.

“It was beyond belief that children in Flint, Michigan, in the United States of America in the year 2016, are being poisoned”.

“I would say that it’s a steep climb, but he can do it”, said Johnston, who supporters Sanders.

Clinton has repeatedly cited the December 2007 speech on Wall Street to show her toughness during the financial meltdown and fend off Sanders’ criticisms of her coziness with banks and investment houses.

“As of last night Donald Trump had received 3.6 million votes, which is a good number”, Clinton said, remarking on the mogul’s shock electoral success. She also said that she stood up to Wall Street.

After Saturday’s primaries and caucuses, former secretary of state, senator and first lady Clinton leads in pledged delegates and superdelegates with 1,121, compared with 481 for the democratic socialist senator from Vermont. “Democrats are not always right”.

While the state was sparsely polled in the weeks leading up to the caucuses, Sanders’ win was not altogether unexpected.

The candidates could also spar on economic policy and trade deals.

The crowds are so large at the Maine Democratic presidential caucuses that participants are being given the option of voting via absentee ballot.

Both candidates have campaigned hard in MI.

The Sanders campaign believes that the primary map becomes more favorable to him as the race shifts out of the South, but his window to overtake Clinton is narrowing.

“Thank you to Louisiana, and thank you to Kentucky”, Trump said in Florida after he was projected to be the victor in Kentucky, where he led Cruz by four percentage points.


So she readied an attack that Sanders didn’t seem prepared for, going at the Vermont senator for opposing the auto bailout.

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