
Sandra Bland’s Facebook posts suggest she was depressed

It is an act those close to her question.


But her family called that conclusion “unfathomable” in a news conference in Chicago on Thursday.

APPHOTO TXHOU206: Protesters rally outside the Waller County Courthouse after a march from the Waller County Jail in Hempstead, Texas, Friday July 17, 2015, to protest the death of Sandra Bland, who was found dead in the jail.

As many as 88 cats need new homes to live out the rest of their days after they were rescued from a hoarding situation in Fort Lauderdale. “It will be an open and honest investigation and the truth will come out”.

Mathis says videos from cameras monitoring the hall outside her cell show no one entered or left it between the time she last spoke with deputies through an intercom system and when her body was discovered.

Members will walk the church grounds “as a public expression of unity and a desire for justice in her case along with so many others”, Miller wrote.

Bland saw herself as actively battling racism, and that day she said she felt let down by the lack of support from her fellow African-Americans.

Sandra Bland was arrested on July 10 in Prairie View following a traffic stop. She was arrested for assault on a public servant.

The video shows deputies cuffing Bland on the ground. In the video, Bland audibly complains about being mistreated by the officer.

“Do you not even care about that?” she asked. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is also investigating the circumstances surrounding Bland’s death.

The DPS’ statement reveals that the state trooper who arrested Bland has been “assigned administrative duties” pending a full investigation. The medical examiner’s officer ruled her death a suicide. Lambert said it would have been out of character for her to kick the officer if unprovoked.

Relatives and friends of Bland, who was found hanged in her Waller County jail cell on Monday, said they do not believe the official version given by the Waller County Sheriff’s Office. CPR was immediately performed, but she was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

“Anytime there is a death in jail custody, we investigate to determine if there were violations of minimum jail standards”, said Brandon Wood, executive director of the commission.

Texas Department of Public Safety officials said Bland was pulled over July 10 after failing to signal a lane change. An on-campus candlelight vigil is planned for Sunday.

“She was very aggravated”, the sister said. She landed a ideal job. “She really felt that her arm had been fractured”, Needham said, holding back tears.

“It just makes no sense”, he said. But this story should not just be about the search for facts in the death of another black person (although that is certainly important); this story should also focus on the message that this hurting woman attempted to deliver this year about two enemies she says everyone faces.

“I suspect there is a cover-up here; there doesn’t seem to be clear evidence that points to any reason why she would do that to herself”, Tometi said. “She was someone who was extremely spontaneous, spunky, outgoing, truly filled with life and joy”. “But if you hang around, you’ll see that we’re a family”. As attention focused on Smith, WLS reported on Thursday that Bland had posted an online video five months ago claiming she was suffering from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Bland’s family has hired an attorney and will meet with investigators on Monday with the intent of learning more information.


“Don’t congratulate us”, said Gwen Carr, the mother of Mr. Garner.

Sandra Bland 28 who was found dead in a Texas jail cell on July 13 has posted a video on Facebook saying she was suffering from 'a little bit of depression as well as PTSD.&#39