
Sanford links Trump support to releasing taxes

“There’s enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton in NY, and tremendous antipathy toward Donald Trump”, Gianaris said.


“At this point in time, I see no path for Donald Trump to carry New York”, Greenberg said.

That’s up from a 23 percentage-point edge Siena showed in June and a 12 percentage-point edge Clinton held in a Quinnipiac University poll last month heading into the national conventions. The problem with the argument from anti-Trump Republicans, he said, is that the GOP needs Trump headlining fundraisers to raise money for candidates at all levels.

Meanwhile, Fox News reports that over 70 Republicans have signed a letter urging Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus to “suspend” funding for Donald Trump’s campaign and divert all resources to congressional races.

And by a 16 percentage-point margin, voters found the former NY senator and secretary of state to be “more honest and trustworthy than Trump”, Siena said.

The poll was conducted with Gravis, a polling firm that in 2012 had a 2.7 percent bias towards the Republicans, according to Nate Silver. Pressure has been put on Reince Priebus and the RNC in recent weeks to divert financial support away from Donald Trump and to down-ticket candidates. “A bare majority of Republicans view Trump favorably”.

The methodology of this particular McClatchy poll allows for a higher margin of error than normal, but the numbers still tell a damning story about Trump’s flailing candidacy among millennials.

Speaking to reporters on his weekly conference call, Reed – who endorsed Trump earlier this year – indicated that he thinks Trump should focus more squarely on issues that matter to voters. Clinton dominated that survey too, at 50 percent. But almost three quarters, 72%, view Trump negatively.

In a move that has troubled many press freedom advocates, the Trump campaign has denied press credentials to several prominent news outlets, including The Washington Post, Politico, and The Daily Beast. “But Trump is delusional about his current chances, the Journal insists: “[He] thinks the crowds at his campaign rallies are a substitute for the lack of field organization and digital turnout strategy.


The USA TODAY/Rock The Vote poll was taken by Ipsos Public Affairs from August 5 through August 10th.

Hillary Clinton  Donald Trump