
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town and You Can See When

Shoup, who has since been dubbed the “Santa Colonel”, chose not to hang up on the children who called that night.


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Perhaps achieving anything like this Agreement in this era of political, economic and social turmoil is indeed an achievement. Those global industry leaders were a key part of building momentum for an worldwide agreement with all governments on board.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, tracks Santa’s progress around the globe every Christmas so that kids everywhere can know where he is at all times. Volunteers took 117,000 phone calls and answered 9,600 emails.

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Modi was offered meals prepared in “desi ghee” with Kashmiri tea, mixed veg, kheer and palak paneer on the menu. Ma praised the Modi Government for its outreach to Pakistan.

Instead of reaching Santa, the phone number went into to the Continental Air Defense Command’s operations hotline.

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First lady Michelle Obama is expected to volunteer, with calls forwarded to her on Christmas Eve. “So he talked to him, ho-ho-ho’d and asked if he had been a good boy and, ‘May I talk to your mother?’ And the mother got on and said, ‘You haven’t seen the paper yet?”

Those volunteers will also be providing updates as to where Santa is through social media networks Facebook and Twitter.

“It’s one of the largest military community relations events we have”, Gordinier said.

Starting at 12:01 a.m. today (Dec. 24, 2015), visitors to the NORAD Tracks Santa website at, can watch Santa make preparations for his flight.

NORAD s involvement began 60 years ago when a wrong telephone number printed in a newspaper advertisement resulted in children calling for Santa.

Official NORAD Tracks Santa apps are available in the Windows, Apple and Google Play stores.


The original call center was set up by AT&T (T, Tech30), which had already served as NORAD’s telecommunications provider. “It doesn’t look like weather is going to be a factor in slowing down his deliveries on Christmas Eve and early Christmas morning”. The agency’s defense support program satellites are capable of tracking even the most minute heat signature against the Earth’s background. Staff at the command center fielded the calls and the operation grew over the years as military and personal technology got more sophisticated. “Ground based radar tracking sites relay global positioning updates to our elite fighter pilots, who often escort Santa’s sleigh through rough weather”.

Top US military agency NORAD to keep watch over Santa's around the world