
Santa Claus is DEFINITELY Coming to Town

As it happens, 30 years ago, the Clock Tower, erected high at the place believed to be the centre-point between Cape-Town and Cairo, was regarded as an outstanding feature among notable landmarks decorating the City. It’s a pleasure to serve them in so many different ways, and this is kind of one of the ways we do it.


“Some are like this”, Santa says as he tilts his hand back and forth.

Norad representatives answer calls about his location from 5am EST on Christmas Eve at 1 877 HI-NORAD.

Those who attended the afternoon “Ngoma” dances at the “new” Arusha Hotel were mostly children with occasional parents in tow.

“They were obviously missing their dad so much and they kept on asking when he was coming home, so I said to them: ‘Why don’t we go and see Santa on Saturday and ask him then?'”

That was when the local ‘Father Christmas, ‘ came in handy.

It’s supported by volunteers at Tyndall Air Force Base who man the phones and emails every Christmas Eve, fielding questions from inquisitive trackers. Actually the Arusha Santa Claus should have been bad news. The elves underneath pulled so hard they pulled his trousers right off! The Sun caught up with Santa there to get the skinny on how he prepares for the big night, and his favorite part of Christmas.

Q: Do the other reindeer ever get jealous that Rudolph leads the pack?

Kelly Lynch, the society’s communications manager, said no one could remember the precise date when the Santa Train began, but he guesses it was either 1994 or ’95.

They however thought this to be amusing and laughed at him instead.

However, in the Northern Hemisphere where the Earth’s axis of rotation meets the Earth’s surface, the North Pole sits on an ocean and temperatures are not quite as cold.

In 1871 Nast drew Santa Claus at his desk reading his mail and sorting it into two piles.

They warn that Santa is known to pass by houses where he knows children are awake. But mostly, live your life as an example of Jesus to them. But in Arusha youngsters are wishing the “Ngomas” and Santa would make a return in city.


The release of the official flight path follows the submission of Santa’s flight plan last week that allowed air traffic controllers and the “Santa Commanders” to finalise where he enters our skies and leaves, along with the time he will arrive and depart.

Santa visits Airservices before his big flight this Christmas Eve