
Santorum: Obama, Hillary created ISIS

Marco Rubio responded to the attacks by saying: “This is a civilizational war”.


I think one of the lessons we should learn from the tragedy in Paris is that we have to be very careful, and very cautious extraordinarily cautious about who comes to visit, who immigrates here and who studies here, he said.

On Saturday, ISIL claimed responsibility for the attacks, calling them “the first of the storm” and denounced France as a “capital of prostitution and obscenity”.

Obama “reiterated the United States’ steadfast, unwavering support for the people of France, our oldest ally and friend, and reaffirmed the offer of any necessary support to the French investigation”, the White House said in a statement. “Even in this darkest night, Paris remains the City of Light”.

In an interview with Fox News, Sen. Who would make the right call about whether to go to war? Who would best negotiate with other countries to confront terrorism, stand up to despots or deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin?

Clinton is hoping those questions all help voters see her as ready for the job on Day 1, no learning curve required.

He said that the terrorist group “is a creation of a political decision by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to abandon Iraq – against all of our generals’ recommendations, against all of the policy recommendations”. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) have a few national-security expertise and both have put forward fairly detailed policy proposals.

Republican presidential candidate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, … But he added that more needs to be done to “completely decapitate” their operations.

He said it wasn’t an appropriate speech for the day after the Paris attacks. He is just so bad! “But this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share”, Obama said in an address at the White House.

She also labored to answer a question about whether the current administration had underestimated ISIS. “It’s also about choosing our next commander-in-chief”.


The actions followed years of a mostly hands-off USA approach to the Syrian conflict, which began in 2011 when Clinton was still Obama’s first-term secretary of state. After the moderator asked the candidates to recall a time when they had been tested by crisis to demonstrate they were fit to face tough situations as president, Clinton described considering whether to recommend that the USA launch the raid to kill Osama bin Laden, which she eventually did. “We are at war with violent extremism”, Mrs Clinton said. “Folks, it’s time here in America for us to secure our boarders and to keep our people safe from the radical evil terrorist”, said Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.

Obama - Goal is to shrink Islamic State operations