
Sarah Palin’s contract with Fox News allowed to run out

Fox News Channel said Wednesday, June 24, 2015, that it was not renewing Palin’s contract as a contributor.


Reportedly, the Palin-Fox split occurred around June 1st.

Do not read too much into her departure.

It now appears that Fox News has put an expiration date on that professional relationship.

It marks the second time in as many years that the two sides have parted ways. Not that it mattered: Palin’s ratings were starting to disappoint Ailes anyway.

Palin also ruffled Fox executives’ feathers. “I hope she continues to speak her mind”.

But after three years, Palin’s time at Fox News ended, a departure that was said to be amicable.

Governor Sarah Palin needs no introduction. John McCain as his running mate on the 2008 GOP ticket for the White House.

Even this liberal can’t deny that Palin has never lost her power to fascinate, in the same way a vehicle accident is fascinating.

Yahoo! News listed other possible reasons for the 51-year-old politician’s sacking: her jumbled speech in Iowa early this year as well as her feud with Bill O’Reilly, Fox New’s most important star.

Anti-gay Republican Sarah Palin has been quietly dropped as a commentator by Fox News. She eventually returned to Fox in the summer of 2013.

But leaving Fox doesn’t mean that Sarah Palin won’t have an outlet for her views.

However, why was she sacked again by Fox News? But with the passage of time, the chances dwindle.

Palin, on her own and through her political action committee SarahPAC, is also expected to be very active in the campaigns of a number of Republican candidates for Congress and for various governorships.

Hey, maybe Palin should drop her résumé to Beck and see if he’s hiring.




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