
Saudi, Gulf, United States and EU Muslims celebrate Eid with religious fervor

The day will dawn with special prayers in mosques for the peace, progress and well-being of the Ummah and Pakistan.


Siraj, in his message on Eidul Azha, said: “This is an occasion to renew our resolve to fashion our individual and collectives lives in the light of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)”.

Following Eid prayers, people slaughtered sacrificial animals to remember the act of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), and distributed meat among relatives, neighbours, and poor people in their localities.

Federal and provincial governments have chalked out elaborate security plans.

The celebration will begin with Eid congregations across the country followed by sacrifice of cattle in the name of Allah.

Railway stations were seen overcrowded for the last few days as were bus and launch terminals as home-goers headed for their destinations. “Strict checking be ensured through walk-gates and metal detectors for security of Eid congregations”, he added.

Important public and private buildings would be illuminated in the capital and other cities.


According to details, Eid congregations were held in various mosques of Peshawar including the historical Mahabat Khan Mosque.

Prayers were held at Masjid Qasim Ali Darwesh Masjid and several other places