
Savvy pro-lifers strike back at vile abortion hashtag campaign; ‘Shout

In a post, Bonow shared her story about having terminated a pregnancy at the Planned Parenthood, adding that she had a good experience and asserts she has no negative feelings attached to her abortion.


“The narrative of those working to defund Planned Parenthood relies on the assumption that abortion is stll something to be whispered about”, Amelia posted on Facebook.

West is now asking people on Twitter to use the hashtag to share how their lives have been affected by safe and legal abortion – and the hashtag has begun to crowd the Twittersphere.

Fame-hungry Steve latched on to the hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion this week, designed to empower women who have had terminations and help fight budget cuts threatening the closure of state funded clinics in the US.

While I’ve never had an abortion, I have plenty of female friends who have.

A Shout Your Abortion Facebook page was quickly launched in support of the idea behind the hashtag. She will be first in line ordering a shirt plastered with the words “Everybody Knows I Had an Abortion”. No1 book and most importantly my kids think I’m a Number 1 dad.

Conservative blogger Michelle Malkin was among the public figures who weighed in, urging followers to “Shout this LOUDER: #PPSellsBabyParts”.

The effort to remove federal funding from Planned Parenthood comes amid allegations that the women’s health organization tries to profit from the sale of fetal tissue from abortions. At the GOP debates, abortion providers are used as a punching bag, a bogeyman on par with the Ayatollah and socialism. Why is #ShoutYourAbortion a thing?

To which the Twitter user wrote: “That constitutes an abortion hashtag”.


For West, though, it’s clear why the campaign has been getting so much attention.
