
Says President Dwight Eisenhower “moved 1.5 million illegal immigrants out of”

He said the government must first prove to the American people that “illegal immigration numbers are down significantly” and then “modernize our legal immigration system so that it’s merit-based”.


Republican front-runner Donald Trump expressed some satisfaction yesterday about the shrinking crowd of rivals taking part in presidential debates while addressing a record-setting crowd at the Granite State’s “Politics and Eggs” Town Hall.

He did so again in this week’s Republican debate, saying “you don’t get nicer, you don’t get friendlier” than President Dwight D. Eisenhower. I like Ike – remember, I like Ike. Are you going to have a massive deportation force? The expression. I like Ike. – moved a million and a half illegal immigrants out of this country, moved them just beyond the border. And then what happened was that a lot of people poured across the border and the Eisenhower administration said look, you are corrupting the Bracero agreement we have so we’re going to haul you back. The stuff they did was really brutal.

Most of the undocumented in the 1950s were temporary or seasonal workers. The program sought to remove undocumented Mexican immigrants form the United States.

O’REILLY: No, no that’s in English but formal thing is the Bracero program.

After Trump mentioned the policy, called “Operation Wetback”, at Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate, Richard B. Spencer, the president of the white nationalist National Policy Institute, tweeted, “Operation Wetback, fuck yeah!” There were also reports of beating and jailing illegal immigrants before deporting them. “They moved 1.5 million out”, the billionaire real estate mogul said.

On Monday, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals blocked two executive orders on immigration announced by Obama a year ago, both aimed at avoiding the deportation of millions of immigrants without papers. “It was like a carrot and a stick”, said Mae Ngai, a professor of history at Columbia University.

What about Trump’s point that authorities deported people to more southern locations in Mexico to stop them from easily re-entering the United States?

According to the study made by Pew Research in 2013, illegal immigrant have spent an average of 13 years in the U.S.

Under “Operation Wetback”, which was implemented under Eisenhower, the government deported hundreds of thousands of Mexicans (the exact total has been called into question) via buses and ships, depositing them in various places in Mexico.


It’s worth noting that transportation conditions for the deportees bordered on inhumane in some cases. In one incident, 88 people died of heat stroke after being abandoned in a desert near Mexicali. “I love what it represents, I love what it stands for, and I hope that someday in the not-too-distant future, we can get that going”. Many returned illegally or legally as guest workers. All we have to do is go back to Congress and have a rather – it’s been fully vetted now, Bill.

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