
SC crucial in Clinton campaign, expert says

Professor Scott Huffmon said SC is critical for Clinton and will be a true test for the candidate.


Last month, Mrs. Clinton had held a 59 percent to 26 percent advantage over Mr. Sanders.

Sunday night’s presidential debate on NBC marked a shift in what has thus far been a remarkably cordial race among Democrats. However, he did not repeat his criticism of Clinton for accepting speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, one of his most stinging attacks against the former secretary of state during Sunday’s Democratic debate.

“We have the Affordable Care Act”, she added. It’s worth remembering that she defeated Barack Obama handily among Latinos in 2008, and that Bill Clinton enjoyed robust support in both communities. “But he’s criticized President Obama for taking donations from Wall Street”, prompting Sanders to backtrack and also praise the sitting president.

“While Senator Sanders tries to make a case on electability based on meaningless polls, Republicans and their super PACs have made clear the candidate they’re actually afraid to face”, said Clinton’s communications director Jennifer Palmieri. “If the kids in a rich suburb of Detroit had been drinking contaminated water and being bathed in it, there would have been action”.

Ms Clinton is ahead in national opinion polls among Democrats, but Mr Sanders has surged in recent weeks and threatens her narrow lead in Iowa. The idea that Sanders’s potential to win the black vote in SC is analogous to that of the first African-American president does not pass the laugh test. Still, any early-state win for Sanders, even in exceptionally honkified Iowa and New Hampshire, will likely create some sort of generalized bounce.

Clinton on Sanders: “He has voted with the NRA, with the gun lobby numerous times”. After playing a clip of an exchange between the Democratic presidential contenders on the health care issue, the CNN journalist continued that “it was interesting”.

Clinton claimed Sanders has been flip-flopping on the issue of gun manufacturer liability, sometimes supporting pro-gun legislation and sometimes supporting gun control initiatives. “I don’t want to come out with theories and concepts that may or may not be possible”.

Hillary Clinton said the former president would play a role in giving economic advice, at least informally.


Mr. Sanders responded: “Nobody is tearing this up”. Clinton’s overarching argument against Sanders is that nominating the self-declared democratic socialist would put the party at risk of losing to Republicans in November.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Saunders speaks at a campaign event in Fort Dodge Iowa on Jan. 19 2016