
SC Justice calls Donald Trump a ‘faker’, he asks her to resign

The more we think about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s recent public outbursts, the more we wonder if the 83-year-old Justice can still perform her duties on the Supreme Court. She will likely run against Trump.


Even those who agree with her harsh criticism of Trump have attacked the decorum of a member of the Court speaking out against a presidential candidate. “I don’t think that’s something she should have done”. Look, I’ve disagreed with her on a number of rulings. “I went after Justice [Sandra Day] O’Connor in 2000 when at a dinner party on the night of the election, she said that the election of [Democrat Al] Gore would be a disaster”.

There appear to be numerous people from public figures, citizens to non-US individuals who are not for a Trump presidency. “When unelected judges try to impose their own policy’s wrong and it’s risky”. And the Justice ain’t holding back her opinion of The Donald. From her point of view, however, the lines that really matter were already crossed by Trump, as well as Senate Republicans.

On a lighter note, he joked: “She didn’t earn the nickname the Notorious RBG for nothing”. His controversial comments on women and immigration are further examples of his lack of diplomacy and understanding. But the judge’s code of conduct for USA judges – and she’s at the very top of this list, so she holds the most esteemed position in the court, with judges – it flatly says a judge should not publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for public office.

OK, we get it, the justice – a Bill Clinton appointee – has no use for the man who is days away from becoming the GOP nominee. So I’ll let them worry about that. Indeed, if Judge Curiel of the Trump University case had made such comments about Trump then he would certainly have cause to call for his recusal. “Maybe they have different standards”.

Ginsburg with her injudicious comments has embarrassed the high court and her colleagues.

The Times said there was no legal requirement that Supreme Court justices keep silent on political campaigns, but it expressed concern that Ms Ginsburg would jeopardise her own commitment to impartiality. “I would hope that she would get off the court as soon as possible”, he added.

WILLIAMS: I don’t think anyone is surprised to know that Ruth Bader Ginsburg would prefer to see Hillary Clinton elected president.

House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday also sharply criticized Ginsburg. Most candidates running for president do this.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio suggested Wednesday that the comments were a sign Ginsburg couldn’t be “impartial”.


Ben Carson, a Trump confidant, told CNN’s Erin Burnett on “OutFront” that he agreed. But this means that if Trump wins, that Supreme Court nomination becomes his to claim. The Post’s editorial board said that they did not admire Ginsberg’s candor and considered it inconsistent with her role in the democratic system. “Big mistake by an incompetent judge!” Trump wrote in one message.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg takes part in a conference in Saratoga Springs N.Y. Ginsburg says she doesn’t want to think about the possibility of Donald Trump winning the White House and pre