
School Forces Kid to Cover Star Wars Shirt

Joe Southern continued expressing his viewpoint, by telling KTRK that “It’s political correctness run amok”.


School officials claim that Colton got off easy and that he could have been sent home and faced in-school suspension or some other harsh punishment for his violation of the dress code. It has nothing to do with guns or making a stand that way, it’s just a Star Wars shirt. He is just excited about the new Star Wars movie.

Joe Southern said his son is “a Boy Scout, active in church, [and] volunteers at Brazos Bend State Park”.

The district’s secondary school handbook apparently details potential violations of dress code, which includes ‘symbols oriented toward violence, ‘ a Lamar Consolidated Independent School District spokesperson said.

He’s also a huge “Star Wars” fan, a distinction that has unexpectedly placed the well-behaved middle-schooler at odds with school administrators at George Junior High, according to ABC affiliate KTRK.

Colton wore the shirt several times before, but on Thursday, he had to wear a jacket over the graphic tee for the rest of the day, his father said. The weapon in the logo is fictional just like the character in the film and could not hurt anyone.

School officials in Texas have banned a 7th grader from school over a Star Wars shirt. However, the teen was not even reprimanded, or asked to change his clothes.

A seventh-grade student in Rosenberg, Texas, says school administrators forced him to cover up his “Star Wars” T-shirt because it depicted a weapon. He insisted that the was not any suggestion of violence by Colton’s wearing the t-shirt.


Last Thursday, following the incident, Joe Southern wrote on his Facebook page, “Star Wars shirt banned at school!”

Star Wars T shirt