
Schoolgirl executes mother, watching enough IS videos

During investigations conducted after the murder, authorities discovered that Borch had been watching the beheadings of British hostages David Haines and Alan Henning repeatedly on her computer – including right before the mother’s bloody body was found, according to the Independent.


Lisa Borch was 15 when she committed the sickening crime along with her 29-year-old Iraqi boyfriend Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla in October a year ago, The Daily Mirror reports.

Borch had met Abdulla, originally from Iraq, at a refugee centre near her home. There is blood everywhere.

When officer arrived they found Mrs Holtegaard, whose husband was away on business, covered in her own blood in bed.

According to police who later searched her computer, Borch had spent “the whole evening long” watching Isis videos, including the beheadings that sadly did the rounds on social media after published online as propaganda by the terrorist group. When police asked the teenager where her mother was, she simply pointed upstairs, refusing to leave her handheld device.

After brutally killing her mother, Borch called the police.

In court, the teen’s twin said she had moved out of the house because of the constant fighting between her mother and sister. But it was ‘the endless rowing which cost the mother her life’.

He told local media that he blamed Abdulla for her actions.

The pair are suspected of making plans to travel to Syria and join the Islamic State, often known as ISIS or ISIL.

Borch had also shown her sister a knife she said she would use to kill her mother.

The court heard that the teen had been watching the gruesome videos just 15 minutes before stabbing her mother Tina Römer Holtegaard at least 20 times at the home they shared in Kviseel, in rural Denmark. He claimed he was only at the scene briefly because he arrived afterwards to “help Lisa”.

The muddled version of events meant the court heard several stories about what actually happened.

The teen blames the murder on Abdulla, whose fingerprints were also found in Holtegaard’s bedroom.

A court was told how the pair tried to cover their tracks immediately after the murder, which was carried out by them both.

Borch’s stepfather, Jens Holtegaard, said she was a strong supporter of IS and he anxious her nine-year sentence could further radicalise her. Abdulla was sentenced to 13 years, after which he would be deported.


Lisa’s twin was in court to see her sentenced.

Lisa Borch and Tina Römer Holtegaard