
Scientists prove Einstein’s theory

After long years of searching for experimental evidence, researchers at the LIGO Collaboration were finally able to confirm Einstein’s claim after they have detected subtle disturbances from these gravitational waves with the use of interferometers.


“Gravity waves are a basic prediction of Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which is the theory that describes gravity”.

“That’s the chirp we’ve been looking for”, said Louisiana State University physicist Gabriela Gonzalez, scientific spokeswoman for the LIGO team.

The discovery of gravitational waves could totally shake up our understanding of the universe..

“The field of gravitational wave astronomy is now a reality”. “For me, this was really my dream”.

Gravitational waves are a reality, according to scientists from an institution that has been hoping to observe them.

Gravitational waves spew out from places like black holes and dying stars. When two massive space objects, like black holes, swirls around each other, said Daniel Batcheldor of the Physics and Space Sciences at Florida Institute of Technology.

Dhurandhar, who was one of the 1,000 key scientists involved in detecting the gravitational waves, suggested the existence of these weak waves as early as 1980s, but the scientific community was not very receptive then.

What’s more, when something calamitous happens in outer space, like the truly awesome collision of two black holes, the waves warp space as they pass by. This energy was 50 times more than the rest of the universe emitted through light, x-rays, radio waves and gamma rays combined.

The first time Albert Einstein discovered these gravitational waves back in the year 1916 and this was all part of the famous theory of relativity. This merger of two black holes had been predicted before, but never detected.

“We have a completely new tool to study the universe and answer questions which were not answerable so far”, Stojkovic says.


The discovery of gravitational waves is like opening another of our senses, Marka told CNN’s Rachel Crane: hearing the universe as well as seeing it. The cosmologist once predicted the theory on black holes in 1970.

WASHINGTON - Scientists say they have finally detected gravitational waves- the ripples in the fabric of space-time that Einstein predicted a century ago