
Scotland’s Sturgeon presses ahead with preparations for independence vote

It’s a markedly different outcome from the overall result, where nearly 52 percent voted to leave.


In Scotland, 62% of those who voted backed the United Kingdom staying in Europe, with all 32 council areas returning a majority for Remain.

By early Saturday afternoon an online petition, started on Friday morning by William Oliver Healey, had attracted more than 1,500,000 signatures – more than the difference between the “Remain” and “Leave” votes at 1,269,501.

The Scottish Cabinet today endorsed Ms Sturgeon’s call for preparations to begin on legislation for an independence referendum.

And after four important votes under two years, the SNP leader would no doubt be keen to give the Scottish electorate a well-earned break before engaging in another passionate debate and exhausting campaign.

Scots rejected independence in a 2014 referendum by 55 to 45 per cent, and at the time, the vote was considered a decisive verdict for a generation. It’s more planting a flag basically because they’d have to wait – if the demographics work out – 10 to 15 years or so before there’s any potential for a majority in Northern Ireland.”As the only land frontier between the United Kingdom and the rest of the EU, Northern Ireland’s forthcoming departure via a Brexit is also raising questions about the reintroduction of border controls between north and south – and the potential repercussions of the Brexit vote on the Northern Ireland peace process”.

As the European Union referendum count turned decisively towards Leave, the online conversation in Scotland immediately turned to the possibility of another vote on independence.

The First Minister is due to issue a further statement following the Cabinet meeting.

The Scottish First Minister said her cabinet has agreed to being work on legislation would allow for the option of a second independence referendum.

“A couple of weeks ago I’d have told you that we needed to wait another five to 10 years to build support [for a second independence referendum], but now I think we do it while people still feel this way”.

One such circumstance was Scotland being taken out of the European Union against its will.

“Each party. has been wary of rushing into a referendum without evidence” they could pull it off, said James Mitchell, co-director of the Academy of Government at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

“As a party, we will now go forward driven by those enduring values and apply them to our duty to do the best thing for Scotland and interests of working people within it”.

“One particular group that we are anxious to reassure is the community of European Union citizens who have chosen, done us the honour of choosing to make Scotland their home, are welcome here and I repeat that again today”.

Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, celebrates and poses for photographers as he leaves a “Leave.EU” organization party for the British European Union membership referendum in London.

He did, however, say he would not back her plans to push for another referendum on Scottish Independence.


“However, on the question of independence, numerous fundamental questions that were unresolved and unanswered in 2014, remain so. Not least the question of currency”.

EU Referendum – Scottish political comment