
Scott Brown Named in Andrea Tantaros Sexual Harrassment Allegations

Not only were her legs expected to be visible when she was on air, the lawsuit claims, but on multiple occasions, Ailes called her to his office and asked to see her twirl or made comments about how she would look in a swimsuit.


A former host of the cable news network, Andrea Tantaros, filed a lawsuit calling them all out Monday in New York City. I quote this complaint “gives life to the saying that “the fish stinks from the head.'” It names several other executives at Fox News, including Bill Shine, who was recently appointed the new co-president, in effect taking over for Ailes”.

In the lawsuit, Tantaros, who was named a co-host of The Five on the network in 2011, claims that she was urged by executives not to wear trousers on air because “Roger wants to see your legs”.

Former Fox News anchor Andrea Tantaros claims sexual harassment is condoned and tolerated by the network’s very top executives including Rupert Murdoch.

According to NY magazine earlier this month, Fox News attorneys maintain that the network suspended Tantaros with pay because she failed to vet her 2016 book, Tied Up in Knots: How Getting What They Wanted Has Made Women Miserable, with the network.

Fox News said it would not comment on pending litigation.

“Brown snuck up behind Tantaros while she was purchasing lunch and put his hands on her lower waist”.

In an email to WBZ-TV Tuesday, Brown said his interactions with Tantaros were limited, and her allegations are “false”.

Along similar lines, Carlson says Ailes once told her that the two of them “should have had a sexual relationship”.

When asked about his wife’s reaction to the allegations, Brown said: “She knows I was sexually abused as a kid and these things are pretty personal and I take those types of sexual innuendo and all that stuff pretty seriously and don’t perpetuate that kind of narrative”. The suit also alleges Tantaros was the subject of humiliating posts by pseudonymous accounts on Twitter known as “sock puppets” that she reportedly claims were instigated by the Fox News publicity department. “She said the sole interview arranged by the publicity department during that period was with a writer for a blog controlled by Fox, who asked about her breasts and if she was hard to work with”.

Fox News initiated an arbitration with Tantaros in May, offering a settlement that would pay out her contract but keep her from talking about her experiences at Fox News, according to the suit.


Ailes resigned in July after former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson charged in a lawsuit that she was sacked because she refused his sexual advances. Although she thought of him as a friend and mentor, the lawsuit says that Tantaros suffered unwanted sexual advances from O’Reilly.

Former Fox News chief ‘sexually harassed former TV presenter