
Scott orders flags at half-staff to honor troops killed in Chattanooga

David Wyatt (recently of Hixson, Tennessee), Marine Sgt.


The governor’s spokesman, Jimmy Centers, said the governor would wait to hear from Orr before making any decisions.

The new policy started Monday morning and only impacts the state’s national guard facilities.

One of the main concerns, say officials, is that weapons could be discharged by mistake inside the centers. “Just because a member of our Armed Forces is not deployed to an active war zone does not mean they are safe from those who wish to do harm”. The gunman, identified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez, a 24-year-old naturalized US citizen from Kuwait, died in a shootout with police. These calls often are proliferated through social media messages, an online magazine and other Internet-based propaganda.

Republican Sen. Dan Brown and GOP gubernatorial candidates Sen.

“I think it’s a great thing because I think they all definitely should be able to protect themselves especially in today’s times”.

Five servicemen lost their lives in the attacks. Military officials have said security at recruiting and reserve centers will be reviewed, but the Army’s top officer, Gen. Ray Odierno, said it’s too early to say whether the facilities should have security guards or other increased protection. Smith said.

Properly licensed service members can now carry firearms in a concealed manner at the Indiana National Guard armory on Haggerty Lane, a spokesperson said Monday.

Since Thursday’s shooting, the governors of Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas have all issued orders allowing the National Guard to arm its troops at military facilities.

“They have the leeway to implement additional security measures as they see fit”, she said. “Hoosiers may be assured that those who have stepped forward to defend our state and nation will have the ability to defend themselves”. “We’ve had numerous instances of attacks”. “DoD does not support arming all personnel”.


Pence declared an executive order Saturday that said soldiers and airmen are allowed to carry personal handguns at National Guard armories and recruiting stations. He also asked the state’s adjutant general to arrange for regular security checks of the armories.

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