
Scott Walker campaigns in Chicago

In recent days, Trump has been going out of his way to bash Walker, apparently out of revenge for being called a “DumbDumb” by one of his fundraisers. I think it more likely that Trump is acting independently for his own ego gratification. I say, ‘Oh, finally I can attack. A day-long trip across Illinois ended in Chicago – where Walker addressed attacks by Donald Trump, and talked about changes he has in mind for the federal government. “As you’ve seen Gov Walker is now well ahead of everyone not named Dumb Dumb, aka Trump, in the national polls”, said an email sent out by Scott Walker supporter Gregory Slayton. He also tore into Walker’s record as governor. “Wisconsin’s doing terribly. It’s in turmoil”, he said.


This is the kind of smear the Democrats perpetrate against Walker, but why would any Republican join them? They’re borrowing money like mad. What Walker didn’t mention: Wisconsin’s once-projected $1 billion surplus for 2015 instead has sunk to a $2.2 billion deficit. The schools are a disaster. “The hospitals and education is a disaster”. “He was totally in favor of [Common Core], which I hate”. Even among those Republican voters who support someone other than Trump, 42% say they’d like him to remain in the field. John McCain’s (R-Arizona) war record.

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry has called for Donald Trump to drop out of the race for the Republican nomination but according to CNN, most Republican’s want Trump in the race.

Clinton is the only candidate who is about as well-known as Trump, and while she is more well-liked than the developer, her favorability rating is net negative among registered voters nationally: 49% have an unfavorable view while 44% have a positive impression. But his fundraiser’s insult apparently opened the floodgates, and Trump is now hitting Walker from all sides.

Scott Walker’s budget reforms in Wisconsin are one of modern conservatism’s greatest success stories.

The state party announced the move on Monday. “The school system is a disaster because they don’t have any money”.

Trump, deploying a standard Trump tactic, also highlighted a time when he and Walker were on much friendlier terms. “He’s a nice guy. I have fought and I have won”, Walker said.

It makes sense to have “some sort of umbrella organisation” that could look at “disputes between the states when it comes to environmental protection”, he said.


A charismatic leader seemed to put his hubris aside in a subsequent interview, where he was asked about the Republican debate scheduled for August. 6. But he brings me a handsome plaque. “I’m gonna tell people what I’m for, not what I’m against”, Walker said. “I don’t know”, he said.

Donald Trump Explained in Four Words | Mother Jones