
Scott Walker says he will support GOP nominee-even if its Trump

Forget, for the moment, the big convention where the roll of the states is called, the delegates wave signs and wear amusing hats, and campaign operatives buzz the floor making sure they’ve got the votes.


‘In those states, starting with Utah, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Colorado and Wyoming, 1.3 million people voted in those states.

Trump’s campaign was late to recognize the importance of the state conventions, much less the local contests that determined who could vote at those state conventions.

Even with his NY blowout, to get to 1,237, Trump will need to run the table in Pennsylvania and winner-take-all states such as New Jersey and DE, crush the competition in winner-take-most states such as in and California, and manage some better-than-expected showings in states likely to be Cruz wins, such as Washington and New Mexico. “There are a lot of different opinions out there”, said Dale Jackson of LaGrange, Third District chairman for the Georgia Republican Party and one of the three delegates.

While the primary campaign is a focus of the RNC meeting, party leaders are painfully aware that any changes in the nomination process could fuel Trump’s charges of an unfair system. “I want onboard the Trump train'”.

Trump’s representatives, including newly recruited senior advisers Paul Manafort and Rick Wiley, met privately with leaders of the Republican National Committee at an oceanside resort hotel where the party is holding a three-day meeting.

Trump hammered the process, calling voterless victories “rigged” during a Saturday afternoon rally in Syracuse, New York.

The Republican platform adopted in 2012 states: “We affirm our moral obligation to assist, rather than penalize, women challenged by an unplanned pregnancy”.

‘Grassroots are rising up.

A spokesman for the New Mexico GOP said Monday that self-nominations to participate in the Republican National Convention will be considered for two weeks beyond the April 15 deadline.

Ted Cruz swept almost all the delegates at the Wyoming state GOP convention this weekend, adding to his success at conventions in Georgia, Virginia, and SC.

And so the RNC gathering drew not only party stalwarts but also two presidential candidates – John Kasich and Cruz, who flew down from Pennsylvania – and Trump’s campaign brass. “They had more supporters there”.

Chief rival Ted Cruz hopes Trump will fall short of a nomination-clinching delegate majority so that he can turn enough delegates to his side at the convention to give him the prize. Ted Cruz, and on MSNBC Tuesday morning he made it clear.

The Trump campaign is approaching things here as if it already won the nomination.

“The system is rigged”, Trump said in Syracuse. It won’t work!’ he tweeted on Sunday. #NoWhining, ‘ he responded on Twitter. New Yorker Donald Trump’s answer when asked if he asked God for forgiveness. Hillary would destroy him’. Wyoming held a mix of caucus and convention to decide how many delegates each candidate received.

“If you don’t want Donald Trump to win, your choice comes down to this: math”, the ad says.

“(Trump) doesn’t understand the process”, she said. I’m not controlled by the special interests, the the lobbyists.


“You may have been knocked down, but America has always been best when she is lying down with her back on the mat, and the crowd has given the final count”, he said.
