
Scott Walker Takes Heat at State Fair

A recent CNN poll had him in single digits in Iowa, with Trump holding a double-digit advantage.


Walker also attacked Congressional Republicans Monday, something he hasn’t done in previous campaign appearances.

Iowa was once projected to be Walker’s strategic linchpin – the jumping off point from which he would wage a national campaign. Anything short of a win in the February 1 caucuses, media pundits say, is likely to be viewed as a serious momentum killer.

Even so, as of Monday Walker still would not go as far as Trump on some issues.

But did that mean Walker would deport the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants already in the U.S.?

That left Turner, 35, a resident of Burlington, Iowa, disappointed. “It’s either illegal, or she’s incompetent”, he said in Webster City.

“I will fight for the American people over and over and over and over again”, Walker added.

Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker delivered a message to protesters who were in the crowd, booing his speech at the Iowa State Fair this morning “You want someone who’s tested?”

He concluded, “it’s time for us to realize there’s nothing wrong with living by Godly principles, loving your fellow man, caring about your neighbor, developing your God-given talents to their utmost so you can become valuable to the people around you, having values and principles that govern your life – and if we do that – not only will we remain a pinnacle nation, but we will truly remain one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all“.

Walker also talked about how he defunded Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin, stood up against “union bosses” and fought for better fiscal management of state government while reforming the state’s education system.

Anthony DeFino, 18, of Ankeny, Iowa, said he thought the exchange boosted Walker in the eyes of conservatives in the crowd. “I know, whether it is sitting with Vladimir Putin privately or sitting with Bibi Netanyahu privately or doing business [in] China for decades or understanding may of our Arab allies, I know this: When the United States of America does not stand with our allies and confront our adversaries, the world is a very risky place”. “We are focused on the fundamentals of caucus organizing on the ground, not a week of snap polls”, David Polyansky, Walker’s senior Iowa adviser says.

Walker will give a speech in Minnesota on Tuesday where he said he will lay out plans for repealing and replacing President Barack Obama’s signature health care law. They’re all going to talk about I’ll do this and I’ll do that.


And when asked by RealClearPolitics what he meant by saying he does “not believe in amnesty”, Walker said: “That means you don’t – that means you don’t support amnesty”.

Republican presidential candidate businessman Donald Trump speaks with