
Scott Walker unveils PPACA alternative

Walker’s refundable tax credits for health insurance would be based on an individual’s age – the amount goes up by age brackets.


Republican politicians have been proposing some combination of these policies since the 2008 election, when John McCain countered Barack Obama’s health care platform with the same ideas.

But Walker’s subsidies top out at $3,000 a person for over-50-year-olds.

The U.S. Supreme Court in June upheld a key portion of the Affordable Care Act allowing for federal subsidies to defray the cost of coverage, a major defeat for opponents of the law. Payroll taxes are taxes too. Under his plan, the federal government would provide money to states to help provide coverage for people with pre-existing conditions who don’t have insurance.

For those people, Walker offers a pastiche of tax credits and health savings accounts that are supposed to make coverage affordable and return control back to the people.

Walker argued that by eliminating red tape and increasing competition, his plan would lower premiums by up to 25 percent.

“We’re going to replace it in a way that puts patients and families, your families, back in charge of your health care decisions”, Walker said.

Walker made the announcement at Cass Screw Machine Products in Brooklyn Center, a Twin Cities suburb.

Scott Walker on Tuesday offered the most-detailed plan for replacing… “The American people are exhausted of the constant efforts to undermine health care reform”.

The Wisconsin governor isn’t the first GOP presidential candidate to put forth a replacement plan for Obamacare, however.

Walker’s plan would replace Obamacare’s system of tax credits with another system of tax credits.

Bloomberg Research Analyst Brian Rye said it’s virtually certain that repealing the ACA would lead to fewer Americans having health insurance, which could hurt health insurance companies, saddle providers with more bad debt and, some say, drive up insurance rates for those who do buy coverage. The plan will also reorganize Medicaid into three more targeted parts.

Mr. Walker said his plan is akin to a “tax cut of about a trillion dollars”.

Democrats quickly condemned Walker’s proposal, saying it was a step backward that would take away people’s health coverage.

Walker again took a shot at the Republican Congress for lack of action.

And so, while Walker is blustering about how squishy GOP leaders are to blame for failing to repeal Obamacare, he also seems to be quietly acknowledging that the law is increasingly entrenched and just might be helping a lot of people.

Several of Walker’s rivals haven’t been afraid to turn the tables. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Sen. Marco Rubio and – on Tuesday – Walker. We win. We get results. “We did all that in a state that hasn’t gone Republican for president since 1984″. Walker would need 60 votes in the Senate to do so, and his current plan does not address how he would undo the law any other way, the AP points out. “This is my first official visit as a candidate”, he said.

Schelitzche said he’s looking to see which candidate can do the best job selling conservative messages. The party may have to stand by these words in a way it never would have during an Obama presidency, and it shows.

“What you want is people in Washington who actually listen to you“.

Schelitzche said Walker passes that charisma test – at least, for a Minnesota voter. Perhaps Walker will now tell us what, specifically, he thinks they should have done differently.


“To us that was big“, Mandic said.

039;ObamaCare&#039 Replacement GOP Presidential Hopeful Scott Walker Says He Has A Plan