
(Screengrab: Full Frontal With Samantha Bee)

“I’m so happy to be here”, said Stewart, telling Bee, his former Daily Show colleague, she could ask him anything she wanted. OK, “hate” is a strong word, but I was not a fan at all.


“Full Frontal” host Samantha Bee last night gave what should be her final analysis of the primary race, ahead of today’s contests in California and New Jersey. In fact, I found her segments to be so annoying that I regularly used them as an opportunity to get up and leave the room for a refill or a snack.

There has been so much talk about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during the run-up to the presidential election, other candidates have fallen by the wayside. “What do you do when your only choices are something morally reprehensible, against the rule of law and decency, and a symbol for all that’s wrong in America, and something you – I don’t know, you don’t really know why, you just never cared for”.

The clip begins with Samantha Bee trying to figure out what she should do with a small white horse in her office. Stewart asks the horse.


We still don’t have the clearest picture of what ex-Daily Show host Jon Stewart’s HBO future looks like, though that hasn’t stopped Stewart from making headlines with his rescue work. We won’t spoil the end of the bit, but it’s definitely worth a watch and you’ll find it in the video embedded below.