
SDCC 2016: Marvel unveils first ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ footage at Comic-Con

Take a look at this six-minute video interview with the cast and director of Spider-Man: Homecoming.


Spider-Man: Homecoming sees Tom Holland and Marisa Tomei reprising their roles from Captain America: Civil War as Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Aunt May, alongside Marvel veteran Robert Downey Tony Stark. As an added bonus, they also released concept art of the winged foe, and it’s finally been released to the masses.

As well as Michael Keaton’s Vulture now officially confirmed as “Homecoming’s” baddie, the early footage also revealed another name that would make up the supporting cast.

Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige introduced Spider-Man: Homecoming director Jon Watts and the Hall H stage at Comic-Con Saturday night, but kept the identities of Zendaya, Tony Revolori, Jacob Batalon, and Laura Harrier’s characters under waps. We get a little glimpse of him in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, that little glimpse in the Oscorp vault. Adrian Toomes was a former electronics engineer who built a special flight harness after he lost his job.

Oh, and a button to the comic con sizzle reel shows a character who appears to be Vulture falling down from the sky towards the camera. It was posted on the official Spider-Man Twitter shortly.

In the comics, Vulture is the second villain that Spider-Man ever fights.

It looks like a win to us, with a high school Spidey, the Vulture onscreen at last and the whole MCU now part of our hero’s world. Spider-Man: Homecoming is set on the lowest of levels, following a high school student dealing with high school problems in the 10th grade.


What do you think of this news? Is he a good villain choice or should they have gone with someone else?

Brie is Capt Marvel