
Sea Level Will Swamp Miami, New Orleans

It’s not too late to save most of those cities, but for the Florida and New Orleans metropolises it would take a miracle. Scientists believe that carbon emissions combined with the melting of the West Antarctic may lead to more floods and extreme temperature in the areas in the next decades. However a coastal metropolis like Boston isn’t within the prime ten. It should be noted that this would be the case of extreme circumstances, but none the less possible. Carbon emissions ending up in the atmosphere are banking energy. “In our analysis, a lot of cities have futures that depend on our carbon choices but a few appear to be already lost”.


Other Pennsylvania population centers that could reduce the impact of widespread flooding, allowing thousands of people to stay in their homes, include the riverside communities of Bristol, Croydon and Chester, the report said.

“Historic carbon emissions appear already to have put in motion long-term [sea-level rise] that will endanger the continuity and legacy of hundreds more municipalities”, the researchers conclude, “and so long as emissions continue, the tally will continually increase.”

“Some of this could happen as early as next century”, Strauss told AFP. The long-term SLR projection is about seven times the consensus estimate for the global increase by 2100.

The research team found that for every degree increase (Celsius) in temperature, there would be 2.3 meters of sea level rise.

One of biggest threats is the destabilization of the ice sheet of West Antarctica. 6 meters, or 14 ft, to the worldwide ocean degree. Sea levels could rise up to 14 meters, as researchers say it is easier to determine how much the sea will rise, than to estimate when. Climate Central developed an interactive map that lets you see the different scenarios on US cities.

“Simply how shortly this may occur, nevertheless – are we speaking 500 years? 200 years? – is very much uncertain”, Mann said.

In other words, the study may not be relevant to making a decision on whether or not you should buy an oceanfront home – although there is plenty of other evidence suggesting that the answer to this question would be “no” – but provides insight to urban policy makers and national political leaders who are putting coastal infrastructure and emissions plans in place that could dramatically alter the future course of and resilience to sea level rise.

The study is unique in that it examines the point by which a particular amount of sea level rise would be locked into, or committed, by the climate system. A storm of the magnitude of Sandy, beforehand anticipated to hit exclusively as soon as in three, 000 years, can now be anticipated as soon as a century, he stated.

Florida is the state with the most large cities facing death by climate change, with more than 40% of the population that lives on threatened land in cities throughout the state. The two seem to have now been placed on an irreversible path.

The blue is land that would be underwater completely.


Although a certain degree of inundation is locked in because of historic and current carbon emissions, low-lying areas and their populations could escape the most severe consequences of rising seas if policymakers make radical carbon cuts, the study said. How high will sea levels rise? “One of the best-case situation is unhealthy however it’s a nice deal higher than the worst-case situation”, he mentioned.
