
Seahawks fans start petition to ban Cam Newton from Centurylink Field

Faulk went on to say that Newton saw similarities in how the Seattle Seahawks had handled the Panthers.


On the way to the Super Bowl, the Panthers defeated Seattle not once, but twice – in the regular season in Seattle and in the playoffs in Carolina.

Newton said the Panther’s process wasn’t quick like “instant grits”, but more evolved like “long-cooked collard greens”. “This should teach him to put his arrogance in check!” He is one of the most unsportmanlike (sic) quarterbacks in the National Football League and deserves to be banned from Century Link Field. He dislikes Washington as a whole anyways, so why not move to make this possible.

Apparently this Seahawks supporter is still upset over Newton tossing the “12th Man” Seattle flag after the Panthers advanced to the NFC championship game.

That’s the hottest take on the 2015-16 NFL MVP front-runner since a Tennessee Titans fan wrote an open letter to the Charlotte Observer back in November to express her disappointment in him for his actions (celebrating) on the field, which may or may not have scarred her nine-year-old daughter for life. Once in Seattle on October 18 and then again during the second round of the Divisional Round on January 17.

The trend started in November when someone wanted Fox Sports commentatorsJoe Buck and Troy Aikman banned from Seahawks games.

625 people had signed the petition as of Tuesday morning. I guess we know now what Newton’s meal of choice will be on the night of Super Bowl 50.


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Panthers quarterback Cam Newton