
Second American Accused of Illegal Lion Hunt

Zimbabwe’s wildlife minister says extradition is being sought for Walter Palmer, the American dentist who killed a Cecil.


Benjamin Stafford from the Forest Park Zoo in Springfield told 22News, “Without Cecil there to protect his pride, all of his young could be killed by other wild lions”.

Seski is a well-known gynecologist and oncologist in the Pittsburgh area. But officials in Zimbabwe now want to speak with him about the lion he hunted in April, which they say happened without the proper permit.

Meanwhile, parks authorities quashed a rumour that emerged Saturday alleging another lion in Hwange had been killed.

Two residents of the landlocked southern African nation of 13 million people have been charged criminally in the case, and Zimbabwe officials said they will attempt to extradite Palmer to face charges.

“The cruel killing of the Zimbabwean lion known as Cecil broke my heart,” said the 78-year-old, who has created many distinctive sculptures of lions in a career spanning six decades.

National Parks spokeswoman Caroline Washaya Moyo said Seski had provided his name and other identifying information for a government database when he came for the hunt.

“I have briefed the advocate and he said he is not available until 28 September”, Bronkhorst’s lawyer Givemore Muvhiringi told the court.

Cecil’s remains, including the skin and head, are still in the custody of the Zimbabwean police, Zimbabwe’s national parks authority said.

But in a telephone interview with the AP on Monday, Sibanda denied the parks authority’s claims, telling a reporter that he has not been arrested and the proper paperwork was in place for hunting a lion.

The famous lion, which drew thousands of tourists to the area, was killed by American dentist Walter Palmer.

“We apologize for reporting that (Jericho) had died but were confident that our sources were in fact correct”, the conservation task force said in a Facebook post Sunday.

In a statement made late Wednesday, the club said Palmer and Bronkhorst’s memberships will be “on hiatus until investigations are complete”.


Jericho is alive and well”, said Professor David Macdonald of Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, which had been tracking Cecil and Jericho by satellite.

Predictably Ted Nugent Defends Dentist Who Killed Lion Cecil