
‘Secret Life of Pets’ Fends Off ‘Ghostbusters’ to Stay No. 1

The comedy is launching against the second session of Illumination-Universal’s “The Secret Life of Pets”, which will probably take in around $55 million this weekend. “We’ve successfully restarted a very important brand and we’re just ecstatic at the results”.


There are traces of the original “Ghostbusters” (1984) DNA in the new film’s basic premise, as four smart and industrious yet socially awkward colleagues battle a paranormal infestation of New York City. It also exists in a world where people film absolutely everything, and faking a haunting is not only believable but entirely plausible.

“Ghostbusters” is pegged by the studio to finish in the $38 million to $40 million range at 3,950 locations this weekend, but box office trackers believe the action-comedy reboot will take in more like $45 million to $50 million. Greenstein said Sony will submit the film for release “and we’ll see if we get accepted or not”.

“The Infiltrator” features Bryan Cranston in a crime drama involving Pablo Escobar.

However, nowhere in the movie will you see that specifically mentioned, and director Paul Feig confirms that the character is indeed gay but that filmmakers were prevented by the studio from spelling it out explicitly. Greenlit by the since-departed Amy Pascal, the film is meant to kick off several future “Ghostbusters” installments. It was shocking that people had negative comments to make about the film, before it even debuted, just based on the all-female cast. With the exception of Rick Moranis, each of the lead human players from the original movie make cameos here (blink and you will miss the bronze bust of the late Harold Ramis on the Columbia University set), while Slimer and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man also put in appearances. Some fans objected to the gender switch, others complained that the first trailer was subpar and some even fretted that any new incarnation of the comedy classic (one of the biggest box office hits of the 1980s) would tarnish their fragile memories.

Surprisingly, one area where the movie stumbles is in its reverence for Ivan Reitman’s original “Ghostbusters”.

“There was all this hoopla and all this chatter about the movie and now it’s opened and it did just fine”, said Dergarabedian. As the first openly gay cast member of Saturday Night Live, director Paul Feig explains that Kate channeled many of her own experiences into the character.


Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at US and Canadian theaters, according to comScore. It has shown solid holding power this week with another $37.8 million from Monday through Wednesday, lifting the six-day domestic total to $142.2 million.

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