
Secret Service Investigating Trump Adviser Baldasaro for Clinton Execution Comments

This all built to Chris Christie’s speech on Tuesday, when he quite literally lead a show trial of Clinton in primetime.


Some Republicans are wary of going too far.

The focus on Clinton has sometimes upstaged what’s supposed to be a weeklong celebration and promotion of Donald Trump. “This whole thing disgusts me”, Baldasaro said, stating, “Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason”.

“We’re incredibly grateful for his support, but we don’t agree with his comments”, Hicks told NH1 News.

“The U.S. Secret Service is aware of this matter and will conduct the appropriate investigation”, said Shawn L. Holtzclaw, a spokesman for the Secret Service.

July 20, 4:41 p.m.: Updated with Secret Service statement.

On the streets of Cleveland, demeaning buttons for sale say “Life’s a Bitch – Don’t Elect One” and “Trump vs. Tramp”. Patricia Smith, whose son Sean died during the attack in Benghazi, said “I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son” and added, in unscripted remarks, that “she deserves to be in stripes”.

It’s no surprise that Republicans are emphasizing Clinton’s weaknesses more than Trump’s strengths.

Reynolds asked voters to chip in because the GOP had “crossed the line”. Slightly more, 63 percent overall, viewed Trump unfavorably; 62 percent of independents. Clinton’s campaign had more than $36 million in receipts. “Chip in now to make sure he never steps foot in the Oval Office”, Clinton, the Democratic party’s presumptive presidential candidate tweeted soon after the 70-year-old real estate mogul’s nomination at the Republican National Convention in Cleavland, Ohio.

Still, the criticism has triggered a backlash from some Republicans who say it’s beyond the pale.

Bill Pickle, a talk radio host and SC delegate, expressed frustration at what he called “name calling and childish behavior” among some of the speakers.

Scholars have argued that the professional responsibility rules should apply to politicians who are lawyers, even when they aren’t acting as attorneys representing clients. Wisconsin delegate Jim Geldreich said the stay-on-offense strategy was spot-on.

Reached the Daily News Wednesday, Baldasaro insisted he was not demanding Clinton’s death – he said that’s just what the law mandates.

Clinton, meanwhile, has sought to use the negativity to her advantage.


“We all want a woman for president, but not Hillary, not this fall”, Lucchese said. The conservative base was obviously furious about Benghazi and thought Clinton broke the law with her private email server, but when the small crowd erupted at Cruz’s joke that “perhaps the presidential debate will have to be held in Leavenworth”, it was clear the idea of Clinton behind bars was truly firing people up.

A MAY 31 2016