
Secret Service is on Donald Trump’s case

And don’t believe the garbage you read. Hours later, he told a rally in Pennsylvania he was “obviously being sarcastic – but not that sarcastic, to be honest with you”.


A pair of House Republicans have added their names to a request for their party to stop funding Donald Trump at the top of its ticket.

Republican sources earlier this month said Priebus was furious over Trump’s failure to endorse House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan and his feud with the parents of a Muslim American soldier killed in Iraq. He has stripped a long list of news organizations-including the New York Times, BuzzFeed, Politico and The Washington Post-of their credentials, and vowed that as president he would make it easier to sue news outlets.

“No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS”. So far, Donald Trump has resisted all calls by those outside and inside of the Republican Party to be more transparent about his finances and financial connections.

The Clintons’ eight-figure income, which included nearly $6 million from speaking fees and consulting fees for Bill Clinton andmore than $4 million in speaking fees and income from book sales for Hillary Clinton, may complicate her attempts to appeal to lower- and middle-income voters.

Clinton released her tax returns on Friday, painting the move as a sign of transparency that her campaign says Trump lacks. Earlier this week he caused a major stir with comments about the Second Amendment that were perceived as advocating violence against Clinton, and found himself facing questions yet again after declaring Wednesday that President Barack Obama was the “founder” of the Islamic State group – a claim that’s patently false. Trump has said he won’t release them until an IRS audit is complete, breaking tradition with every presidential candidate in recent history.

Following a weekend in which he called CNN “disgusting” and said The New York Times is “going to hell”, Trump is now portraying his candidacy as a dual-pronged campaign against both Hillary Clinton and the media.

Clinton delivered six paid speeches in 2015, including one to the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. It’s an instinct that Trump’s opponents say a president can’t possess. In recent days, pressure has been growing on the party to shift its resources away from Trump and toward down-ballot candidates anxious about drowning in a Clintonlandslide.

Appearing in the county known for the so-called Reagan Democrats – working-class Democrats who voted Republican in the 1980s – Clinton tried to seize the opportunity to win back some of the blue collar voters who’ve formed the base of her rival’s support, making the case that she offers a steadier road map for economic growth and prosperity. Over the past two years Obama has organized a broad coalition of countries and launched more than 10,000 U.S. airstrikes to defeat IS.

But many analysts argue its roots lie in the decision of George W Bush’s Republican administration to invade Iraq in 2003 without a plan to fill the vacuum created by Saddam Hussein’s ouster.

At his Erie event, Trump seemed to acknowledge he is facing a formidable opponent in Clinton as well as a hard electoral path. When Clinton’s campaign cried foul, Trump blamed her for trying to “divert attention from the dishonest behavior of herself and her husband”.


“She doesn’t talk to reporters very often”.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waves after speaking to the National Association of Home Builders Thursday Aug. 11 2016 in Miami Beach Fla