
Secret Service takes an interest in Trump adviser’s rhetoric

The Trump campaign distanced itself from Baldasaro’s remarks.


The streets of Cleveland are swarmed with tables of Donald Trump-themed gear for the Republican National Convention this week.

We’ve heard platitudes, from Hillary Clinton: How she loves children.

Stein added, “I would feel disgusting if Trump gets elected and I would feel terrible if Hillary gets elected but I feel most frightful about a political system that says we have two lethal choices, now pick your weapon of self destruction”.

The filings show the Trump campaign employed just 74 people last month, a bare-bones operation compared with the more than 650 people Clinton had reported on her payroll in June.

It seems like the line between politics and social media celebrity has completely dissolved now that even Hillary Clinton is jumping in on the Snapchat game. “Freedom of speech is a attractive thing”.

“The first task for our new administration will be to liberate our citizens from the crime and terrorism and lawlessness that threatens their communities”, said Trump, pointing to increased killings in major cities and recent shootings of police officers in multiple states.

Soon after, Pence, in accepting the party’s nomination, sought to bring the party together: “What unites us far exceeds anything that sets us apart in America”, he said. The next president takes office on Jan 20.

In an appeal to Americans shaken by violence at home and around the world, Trump promised that under his presidency, “safety will be restored”.

Trump’s haul comes after a disappointing May report, during which the billionaire’s campaign finished with only $1.3 million to spend.

Next came the plagiarism controversy over Melania Trump’s opening-night speech, which contained portions virtually identical to Michelle Obama’s talk eight years earlier.

Mr Trump will also say that middle-income Americans and businesses will enjoy tax cuts and that taxes will be simplified for everyone. On the trade front, he said, “We are going to enforce all trade violations, including through the use of taxes and tariffs, against any country that cheats”. “This, in turn, will create millions of jobs”, he said.

He was introduced by his daughter Ivanka, who announced a childcare policy proposal that the campaign had not mentioned before.

The video ends with the phrase, “Donald Trump: occasionally right”.

In typical Trump fashion, he cast himself as the only one who could solve America’s problems.

I only want to admit individuals into our country who will support our values and love our people.

“In my mind, I wanna know, I wanna think, were they moving guns?”

The lion’s share, $25.6 million, went to Trump Victory, which raises money for the Trump campaign, the Republican National Committee and 11 state party committees.


Clinton fired off an icy rebuke on Twitter during Trump’s speech, telling him: “We are better than this”.

Keller @ Large: Trump Delegate Crossed The Line Saying Hillary Clinton Should Be Shot