
Secret videos of Planned Parenthood create firestorms

The most recent video shows a luncheon conversation with Dr. Mary Gatter, who now serves as President of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Directors’ Council and Medical Director of Planned Parenthood’s Pasadena abortion clinic.


Federal law prohibits the commercial sale of human fetal tissue, but recouping costs for preserving and delivering tissue samples to researchers is permitted.

The organization has said it does not profit from fetal tissue donation and only receives payment for associated costs, which is legally permissible.

Patrick wants an hearing as soon as possible in front of the Texas Senate Committee on Human Services to try to find out if Planned Parenthood is doing anything illegal.

Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri said it does not engage in the practices Brownback described and called Brownback’s request for a probe “political grandstanding” and an attempt to “restrict access to safe, legal abortion in Kansas”.

Daleiden, in a statement Tuesday, said Planned Parenthood’s denial of engaging in the sale of fetal parts is “a desperate lie”. Gatter is seen discussing prices she will charge for intact fetal body parts.

Released undercover videos have prompted the Missouri Attorney General to open an investigation into Planned Parenthood.

“It’s important to know that the source of these videos is a group of extremists who have intimidated women and doctors for years in their agenda to ban abortion completely”.

“This latest video showing yet another Planned Parenthood senior official negotiating the price of unborn baby body parts is more than just callous and morally bereft, it may be criminal”, said Abbott in a statement.

But Safar also objects to the premise that any Planned Parenthood offices are selling fetal tissue. The group maintains, however, that the business being done was a legitimate search to cover profits, and re-emphasized the importance of fetal tissue for research.

But Planned Parenthood’s letter says it would send a team headed by a different official. Planned Parenthood says it has done nothing illegal.

Anti-abortion leaders, however, have questioned the very nature of the fetal-tissue research.


Outspoken GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump weighed in on the current controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood on TheBlaze TV Tuesday night, calling the group’s practice of selling parts of aborted fetuses “disgusting”.

Image credit a katz