
Security to fore as US Democrats debate after France attacks

Despite Sanders’ focus on domestic issues, national security and foreign policy will play prominent roles in the debate, with the string of deadly attacks in Paris that killed more than 120 people front and center.


Sanders, meanwhile, strongly opposed putting US boots on the ground in the first Democratic debate.

John Dickerson, host of CBS News’ “Face the Nation” will moderate with CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes, KCCI anchor Kevin Cooney, and Des Moines Register political columnist Kathie Obradovich. Find on Facebook.

“I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in”, said Clinton.

U.S. Rep. Brendan Boyle, one of the uncommitted superdelegates, said he has no reservations about supporting Clinton, but is undecided for other reasons.

With nothing to gain in attacking Sanders, it’s more likely that Clinton turn her attention to specific Republican opponents, setting her sights toward the general election. CBS Executive Editor Steve Capus Friday. night twittered in that the terrorist assaults in Paris “require noteworthy questions for the candidates”.

“I will do everything that I can to make sure that the United States does not get involved in another quagmire like we did in Iraq, the worst foreign policy blunder in the history of this country”, he said then, in a veiled shot at Clinton, who voted to go to war there.

The attacks put in bright contrast what is probably the biggest remaining difference between Clinton and Sanders – her advocacy for a more muscular approach to using the US military to combat terrorism across the globe.

Clinton has a larger lead in the state than her nationwide polling numbers.

Sanders said his plan would “essentially” implement the provisions from the 2013 Senate comprehensive immigration reform bill, which was also received support from Republican presidential candidates Sen.

Sanders stuck to his guns in the last debate and wouldn’t engage in negative campaigning even when Clinton’s emails came into the spotlight.

An aide to Bernie Sanders “threw a fit” when CBS informed the campaigns in a conference call Saturday that the Democratic debate would kick off with a focus on the attacks in Paris, a person who was on the call told CNN. The relative inexperience of her rivals – Vermont Sen.

Sanders has struggled to regain his footing after Clinton solidified commanding leads over him in national polls and in Iowa and erased his advantage in New Hampshire.

All three candidates may face questions about how they would immediately help France, or whether they back Obama’s recent authorization to send a small deployment of special forces to Syria. How will Clinton work to convince them she’s the candidate for tomorrow?


While Clinton is wary of alienating Sanders backers whose support she’ll need should she win the nomination, she did take a few shots. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, once a central focus of Clinton’s team, has recently plummeted in the polls after several weak debate performances.

Sanders with most to prove as Dems gather for 2nd debate