
Segway’s new scooter may scoot to you

It’s powered by Intel’s Atom processor and features a RealSense ZR300 camera.


Beijing-based Ninebot bought rival USA company Segway in April of 2015 with the help of a £54m investment from Chinese electronics company Xiaomi. “This Tuesday at CES, Segway took a big step towards making that dream a reality with its Segway Robot showcase in the opening demo for the CES16 Intel Keynote”. This revolutionary Segway is capable of seeing things in 3D as it is equipped with the Intel RealSense RGB-D camera that allows for depth sensing and object recognition. The company is now working on newer dimensions, and has teamed up with Segway to power the new Segway Hoverboard, which is actually a smart robot!

What do you get when you cross a hoverboard with a robot? The hoverboard becomes a robot as it suddenly takes its head out of the pole of the hoverboard!

The Segway Advanced Personal Robot is pretty much all there in the title.

But just because this thing is a bot doesn’t mean it slacks on speed and performance.

The company, which pioneered the notion of zooming about town perched on two wheels long before the “hoverboard” craze, showed off a motorized scooter equipped with a pair of blinking eyes.

Moorhead said he was excited to see the demonstration but his main interest is in how the transportation device can transform into a robot. A developer kit will be available in the second half of 2016, with a commercial version released at a later date.

The robot is built on an open platform so third-party developers will be able to create add-ons and new applications for the machine. Recently, Ninebot announced that it will keep the Segway name while Ninebot will be reserved for the name of a brand.


Ninebot president and co-founder Wang Ye said the Segway robotic butler had lofty goals for the electronic servants, which it would bring to market in addition to Segway’s well-known personal transport devices.

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