
Self-proclaimed ISIS militant arraigned in Philadelphia police shooting

“He just came out of nowhere and started firing on him”, Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross said.


“He later confessed to the shooting, and a Philadelphia police captain told CNN that Archer cited ISIS as inspiration for the attack, which left Hartnett seriously injured”.

Ross told reporters the video, which is not being released, was “absolutely one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen”.

The shooter stuck the gun inside Hartnett’s window late Thursday, firing some of his shots at point blank before turning and running, as surveillance video captured his moves.

A man claiming allegiance to so-called Islamic State militants was charged today with attempted murder in the shooting of a U.S. police officer this week, the the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office said.

“The citizen alleged the defendant had an affiliation to a group with radical beliefs”, police said in a statement, speaking of Archer and the anonymous female tipster, Reuters reported.

Two officers put Hartnett into their patrol auto and rushed him to a hospital, where surgeons worked to stop the bleeding.

“He’s a terrific young man”, Kenney said.

Police said there were five suspects, and one pointed a gun at the father and told him to leave.

It was unclear how the suspect obtained his firearm, which was stolen from police in October 2013, authorities said.

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney praised Hartnett’s bravery but urged people to draw no link between the criminal act and Islam.

Jacob Bender, executive director of the Philadelphia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said Friday their group had found no signs Archer actively participated in the local Muslim community. “It has nothing to do with being a Muslim”.

“This attack appears to be part of a growing, disturbing trend of Islamic State-inspired radicalization across the country”, said Meehan, who noted that the shooting was “a grim reminder of the need for constant vigilance as we work to defeat the Islamic State worldwide”. Any reasonable thinking person understands there’s a difference between these radicals who do do this in the name of their version of Islam and the peace-loving Muslims who populate the earth.

He blamed extremist propaganda on the Internet emanating from Syria.

The officer was standing near the exit doors with his back turned when he felt the man attempting to grab his gun out of the holster, according to police.

“It’s in my judgment that this individual [is] carrying out these directives-these orders, if you will-coming out of Raqqa, Syria, from ISIS”.

He is accused of fighting in Syria for various terror groups.


Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan, 24, is charged with attempting to provide material support to ISIS.

Edward Archer top left is accused of shooting officer Jesse Hartnett top right while the policeman sat in his patrol car