
Selfies more deadly than shark attacks?

The great white shark used to be the deadliest thing out there, but now, just a year after Oxford added it to its dictionary, it looks like the “selfie” is swimming past it.


“Deaths are a tragic reminder to travelers that focusing on a phone screen instead of unfamiliar surroundings is not safe”. According to the report, through august of this year, there have been eight confirmed shark-related deaths.

Put down the selfie stick: More deaths have resulted from selfie attempts than shark attacks so far in 2015-Wait.

We here at TravelPulse have covered various deaths that took place after a tourist chose to snap off a photo. Two young men in the Urals died taking a selfie holding a hand grenade with the pin pulled.

The issue of self-related accidents has become so concerning that the Russian Interior Ministry reportedly issued a brochure warning that selfies “could cost you your life”.

A Japanese tourist recently fell to his death after trying to take a selfie on the steps of the Taj Mahal.

Now before you head off and tweet out this number, there have been those who believe we should dig but a bit deeper into the claim.

Definitely don’t take any selfies with sharks, anyway.

Selfies themselves are not actually harmful, of course.

Again, Mashable is reporting 12 selfie deaths so far in 2015, and the year isn’t even over yet.


This means looking around and staying away from risky precipices or the like while capturing a moment or simply milling about the area.

Recent deaths by people trying to take selfies prompted some to draw a comparison to shark attacks