
Senate Approves Bill To Repeal Obamacare And Defund Planned Parenthood

Passing a repeal of most of the 2010 health-care law means Democrats and Obama can “begin to make amends for the pain and hurt they’ve caused – for all the broken promises, for all the higher costs, for all the failures”, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said during Senate floor debate Wednesday. McConnell said Thursday that the Affordable Care Act is “punctuated with hopelessness”, as he blamed it for rising medical costs and problems encountered by Kentuckians.


The U.S. House on October 23 passed a similar measure, which the Senate revised to conform with its rules and to gain enough Republican votes to pass it. The House measure would go further by repealing altogether Obamacare’s requirements that individuals acquire health insurance and that large employers provide it to their workers. “But the biggest issue is the entire Affordable Care Act, which is an affront to the pocketbooks, privacy and freedom of every American and needs to be repealed”.

The bill is not expected to become law. “Do they meet with them?”

As for Planned Parenthood, the organization would stop receiving the about US$450 million in federal funding per year, corresponding to a third of its budget. Yesterday’s bipartisan Senate vote to repeal the 40 percent tax demonstrates that repeal of the Cadillac tax is a powerful lever that Republicans can use to persuade Democrats to repeal the entire law. “This vote is an important step toward lifting Obamacare’s burdensome regulations and lowering its costs for people across the country”, he said. Susan Collins, R-Maine, Mark Kirk, R-Ill., and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska.

Also eliminated would be the expansion of Medicaid coverage to additional lower-income people and the government’s subsidies for many who buy policies on newly created insurance marketplaces.

Planned Parenthood spokesman Dawn Laguens said the Senate had given the group’s millions of clients “the cold shoulder of indifference”.


“It’s either repeal or nothing”, Sen. “I’ll take that to the polls and we’ll talk about it until the cows come home”.

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