
Senate GOP Fails To Defund Planned Parenthood In Wake Of Video Debacle

That was seven short of the 60 votes needed to keep the measure moving toward passage, effectively derailing it for now.


In the clip, Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, discusses the relationship between altering abortion procedures to get the most intact organs possible and costs.

The organization has come under intense scrutiny after the release of undercover videos that show Planned Parenthood executives discussing using aborted fetuses for research.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R., Iowa) and Rep. Diane Black (R., Tenn.), the Republicans leading the charge to defund Planned Parenthood, have said they are doing so because of Planned Parenthood’s abortion-related activity, namely its sale of organs procured from aborted fetuses. Though he didn’t reveal his next moves, his options are to re-do the vote (which would likely lead to the same result), give up (which would draw conservative backlash) or attach the bill to must-pass government funding legislation (which would invite a government shutdown). I would and I was also in support if the Republicans stuck together you could have done it with Obamacare also, but the Republicans decided not to stick together and they left a few people out there like Ted Cruz.

Planned Parenthood receives more than $500 million yearly in government funds – including state payments – more than one-third of its annual $1.3 billion in revenue.

“The question before us today is clear: Who do we want to be as a nation?”

“The video attack, which has been decried as unethical and intentionally misleading by Planned Parenthood, has rallied conservative opposition to Planned Parenthood“, she wrote, adding again that a recent vote to defund the group failed in Congress this week.

Just one Senate Republican, Mark Kirk of Illinois, who faces a tough re-election race next year, voted against advancing the bill.

The piece of legislation angled at federally defunding Planned Parenthood failed in Senate Monday morning, with critics of the bill arguing that the abortion organization also provides other health services to women in the U.S. Under decades-old law, federal funds can’t be spent on abortions.

Even for those who support abortion rights, there is a stomach-churning aspect to the surreptitiously taped conversations with Planned Parenthood officials – the coldblooded discussion, between bites of salad and sips of red wine, of “less crunchy” techniques to obtain specimens, and the precise placement of “graspers” to avoid having to “crush” a valuable body part.

Young, single women are a key demographic for Hillary Clinton, the front-runner to represent the Democratic Party in the November 2016 presidential election.


CAUTION: This video contains graphic images that some people may find offensive. CMP could just leave those video clips for last, depending on what happens in Orrick’s courtroom on August 27th – or more likely, what will happen when this attempt at prior restraint gets a look from an appellate court, especially given Orrick’s political connections and interests. An abortion providers group sued to block the release on privacy grounds. He said he had now requested information from Planned Parenthood affiliates, private companies involved in the process and the Center for Medical Progress.

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