
Senate GOP leader: Trump should release tax returns

The most a third party could hope for would be to take enough votes from both Democrats and Republicans to deny either party’s candidate a victory in the Electoral College.


In interviews with GOP members across the ideological spectrum, a number of GOP lawmakers would not say if Trump is a true Republican – let alone conservative.

“It will be close, but either way, as with all the contests this month, we will gain additional delegates and move that much closer to clinching the nomination”, Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon said. He rails against environmental and corporate regulations, proposes dramatically lower tax rates and holds firm on opposing abortion rights.

“I think he’ll change”. “And I don’t think it’s appropriate. I think it’s not constructive”.

And it happened when another Democrat from NY was the strong favorite to become the nominee for president and to win the general election, leaving the opposition party in tatters.

The National Review’s Ramesh Ponnuru says that if conservatives are still wondering whom to blame for Donald Trump, they don’t have to look far.

Hillary now has a solid lead over Bernie Sanders in the Democrat primary, according to the poll.

“This isn’t anything new or unusual on the heels of candidates who people supported very passionately not prevailing”, Downey said. “And that’s what we have”. She has said she would “defend and expand” Social Security, has ruled out a higher retirement age and opposes reductions in cost-of-living adjustments or other benefits.

Ryan added, “It’s no secret that Donald Trump and I have had some disagreements”.

When House Speaker Paul Ryan and Trump put out a statement after their meeting on Thursday about their “shared principles”, it begged the question: like what?

No matter who wins, Clinton or Trump, if the politicians serving in Congress (and in state legislatures) do not adhere to our founder’s concept of governance, we remain screwed.

“Remember the wheelchair being pushed over the cliff when you had Ryan chosen as your vice president?”. Progressives shouldn’t feel guilty about a potential Donald Trump presidency, not if Clinton and the Democrats aren’t willing to make a unifying compromise themselves. “That was the end of that campaign”. Hugh points out the issues Republicans have with millennials and argues that the running-mate choice has to have some impact on younger voters.

Complicating the efforts to define Trump is his penchant for offering contradictory ideas about policy. Lindsay Graham and says his big plans are mere “suggestions”. “He just wanted to get thing over”.

“[Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell] just in knee-jerk fashion said, “We’re not going to vote on it” despite there being no precedent for it”, the president said. “So it really is a proposal, but it’s a very steep proposal”. It is not unreasonable to think that Trump, a man with no governing experience, might be the ultimate “flip-flopper” if elected president as he would scramble to make compromises with a political establishment he has spent nearly an entire year mocking and demonizing.

“There is no organization, there’s no funding mechanism, and frankly, there’s no consensus candidate” he said. “I’m somebody’s who’s in favor of transparency and openness”.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, who for decades was a socialist voice in the wilderness, forced front-runner Hillary Clinton more to the left in her campaign rhetoric.

Trump’s own “America First” approach appears to lean more toward isolationism. He has recently reneged on one of his most controversial issues – a temporary “ban on Muslims” from foreign countries entering the US – which quite literally goes against his self-cultivated political image as a man of action in a country governed by “idiots” and “weaklings”.


“It’s a little bit odd”, said Priebus, who deflected questions on whether he believed Trump’s denial of The Washington Post story by saying, “I have never had a situation where he’s lied to me”. “She doesn’t even know what a bucket is…. I have no basis to believe otherwise”.

NBC News