
Senate legislation to cut federal funds for Planned Parenthood hits roadblock

That might put a crimp in their plans, but it wouldn’t have any impact on videos that deal strictly with Planned Parenthood execs or clinics.


The only senators to cross party lines were Democrats Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Illinois Republican Mark Kirk, who faces a tough re-election fight next year. “And, more maddening is the fact that some senators have sent the message that millions of Americans would indeed keep the abortion business funded through our tax dollars-to the tune of $500 million per year-and against the wishes of many“.

The U.S. Senate was scheduled to vote on defunding the organization Monday. It’s only going to get worse for Planned Parenthood.

The remainder of Johnson’s article is dedicated to quoting defenses from Planned Parenthood spokespersons.

“A day after a vote to defund Planned Parenthood failed in the Senate, an antiabortion group continued its attack on the organization”, she wrote Monday in an article titled, “Antiabortion group posts another video attacking Planned Parenthood”.

The vote on S 1881 failed 53-46, with Sens.

Chris Christie is going on offense over Planned Parenthood, challenging Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to answer questions about the issue of abortion clinics selling fetal parts for medical research.

Planned Parenthood has defended its existence and its “right” to federal funding by touting all of the so-called vital health services it provides to underprivileged women, including testing for sexually transmitted diseases, cancer screenings, breast exams, and birth control distribution. Federal agencies run out of money on October 1, and Congress is tasked with passing legislation by then temporarily keeping the doors open until lawmakers and President Barack Obama can reach a longer-term agreement. Planned Parenthood Louisiana is an affiliate of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.

“They can make it happen”, Farrell said.

Supporters of defunding have argued that the almost 9,100 federally funded community health centers could continue to do the work of Planned Parenthood, a sentiment that Paul echoed. The suggestion that Planned Parenthood was using fetal remains as a major revenue stream is belied by both the small scope of the practice and Planned Parenthood officials’ comments, despite the best efforts of the undercover anti-abortion activists to induce them to bargain over price.


“Instead, the latest tape shows an extremely offensive intrusion and lack of respect for women, with footage of medical tissue in a lab. These extremists show a total lack of compassion and dignity for women’s most personal medical decisions”, she added, The Hill reported. (PPCFC) and PPGC. She said PPCFC provides “safe, legal abortion services in the Houston area”, and they plan on seeking a license to perform abortions at their new location on Claiborne Avenue in New Orleans. Under decades-old law, federal funds can’t be spent on abortions.

Senate legislation to cut federal funds for Planned Parenthood hits roadblock